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词汇 healthy
例句 Maintaining your current weight through exercise and healthy eating is important.通过锻炼和健康饮食来保持你目前的体重是很重要的。The film opened to healthy box office receipts before rapidly falling off.这部影片的票房收入开始的时候持续上涨,但是后来急剧下降。The children had been brought up with a healthy respect for books.孩子们从小就养成了尊重书本的健康态度。He believes that moderate drinking is healthy.他认为适度饮酒有益健康。It is not healthy to suppress your anger.压抑自己的怒气不利于健康。The available pool of healthy manpower was not as large as military officials had expected.可用的健壮人力没有军官预计的那么多。We need to educate people so that they understand the importance of a good, healthy diet.我们需要教育人们,让他们懂得有益、健康的饮食习惯的重要性。You can judge how healthy you are by the amount of energy you have.可以通过精力的充沛程度来判断健康状况。Weight loss can be achieved by balancing a healthy level of physical activity with eating a nutritious diet.减轻体重可以通过适当锻炼和营养用餐之间达成平衡来实现。He's a perfectly healthy child.他是一个十分健康的孩子。The body requires a healthy diet and adequate rest.身体需要健康的饮食和足够的休息。I try to have a healthy, positive attitude to life.我尽量以健康、积极的态度对待生活。She was born with a healthy dose of self-confidence.她天生就充满自信。He has a comfortable/healthy/hefty bank balance. 他有很多银行存款。The economy is still showing healthy expansion.经济仍显示出健康发展的势头。She had a healthy bloom in her cheeks.她双颊健康红润。She has a refreshingly healthy attitude to work.她对工作持一种明智态度,令人耳目一新。Dark green leaves are a good indication of healthy roots.深绿色的树叶充分表明树的根部状态良好。The technique consists of injecting healthy cells into the weakened muscles.该技术是把健康细胞注射到衰弱的肌肉里面。Doctors removed the healthy kidney from the donor.医生从供体身上取出了健康的肾脏。The infected cells can invade healthy tissue.被感染的细胞会侵袭健康组织。I don't think it's healthy for her to spend so much time alone.我认为她独处的时间太多,不正常。The healthy trade figures mask a much gloomier picture.大好的贸易数据掩盖了非常不景气的经济实情。Being able to express emotion is a healthy safety valve for the relationship.对于两性关系而言,能够把情感表达出来是一种健康的排解方法。The new manager showed a healthy disrespect for formality.新经理表现出对繁文缛节的轻视,这是有益的。I can't be bothered with this healthy eating lark.我不想为这种所谓的健康吃法去费神。Supermarkets can help promote healthy eating habits by reducing the amount of sugar and fat in their products.超级市场可以通过减少其产品中的糖分和脂肪来促进人们养成健康的饮食习惯。She treated this statement with a healthy degree of scepticism.她以一种合理的怀疑态度看待这一声明。A good diet and plenty of exercise will help you to keep your body healthy.良好的饮食和充足的锻炼将有助于保持身体健康。Eat to keep your heart healthy.要吃得让心脏健康。In order to raise healthy African violets you must treat them just so.要种好非洲紫罗兰你一定要细心料理。He doesn't have a very healthy lifestyle.他的生活方式不太健康。Food is there to keep you healthy and enhance your enjoyment of life.食物是让人保持健康并增添生活乐趣的。He's a walking advertisement for healthy living.他是健康生活方式的活广告。It's important to be healthy in both body and mind.身心健康很重要。A healthy diet should consist of wholefood.健康饮食应由全天然食物构成。If you eat a balanced, low-fat diet, chances are your arteries will be healthy.如果饮食均衡、低脂,动脉就多半会健康。She's a normal, healthy child.她是个正常健康的孩子。Both of these teams have a healthy dislike for each other.他们两队对彼此有一种很自然的反感。It was a delight to see him so fit and healthy.看到他身体这么强壮和健康真让人高兴。




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