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词汇 ham
例句 We had fried eggs and ham for breakfast.我们早餐吃了煎蛋和火腿。There's some ham and nice fresh bread.有一些火腿和非常新鲜的面包。I buy my ham ready-sliced.我要买切成片的火腿。Thrusting themselves into the spirit of the farce, they ham it up like mad.他们全力投入到这部闹剧中去,极尽搞怪之能事。Cut the meat from the ham hock.把火腿肘子上的肉切下来。The ham was on the bone.这是带骨火腿。Ask for our sliced ham at the deli counter. 去熟食柜台给我们买一些切好的火腿。Whisk the eggs and milk and fold through the ham and ricotta.搅打鸡蛋和牛奶,并拌入火腿和乳清干酪。The distress call was picked up by a young radio ham.求救信号是一名年轻的业余无线电爱好者接收到的。The actress gave a ham-handed performance.那个女演员表演得笨手笨脚。Now he gets the jitters. He's only a ham-and-egger after all.这下他真是惊恐万状了;毕竟,他只不过是个蹩脚拳击手而已。The report criticizes the ham-fisted way in which complaints were dealt with.这份报道批评了处理投诉的拙劣做法。The smell of frying ham hit me as I opened the door.我一开门就闻到一股煎火腿的香味。You can have ham, cheese or tuna.你可以选择火腿、干酪或者金枪鱼。I'd like a ham sandwich on rye, hold the lettuce.我要一个黑麦面包的三明治,不要加生菜。I had a ham sandwich for lunch.我午餐吃了一个火腿三明治。I had ham and eggs for breakfast.早饭我吃了火腿与蛋。They made several ham-fisted attempts to spy on her.他们几次用拙劣的方式监视她。Would you like another slice of ham/beef?要不要再来一片火腿/牛肉?Of ham and beef, the latter meat is cheaper today.就火腿和牛肉而言,眼下牛肉比较便宜。Trim the fat off the ham.把火腿上的肥肉削掉。I was eating ham and Swiss cheese on rye.我当时正在吃夹火腿和瑞士干酪的黑麦面包。The chicken breast was stuffed with a melange of sausage and smoked ham.鸡胸里填着混杂在一起的香肠和熏火腿。She likes to ham it up for the camera.她喜欢对着镜头摆出夸张的样子。Giovanni has the best Parma ham for miles around.方圆数英里内,乔瓦尼的帕尔马火腿最棒。The apology was rather ham-handed.这种道歉相当笨。Having not yet lunched, we went to the refreshment bar for ham sandwiches.我们都没吃午饭,于是便去小吃店买了火腿三明治。Every Saturday dad made a beautiful pea and ham soup.每个星期六爸爸都做美味的豌豆火腿汤。She was no doubt the biggest ham of a teacher.她无疑是个在课堂上最好表现自己的教师。Trim the fat off the ham把肥膘从火腿上切除。She bought a packet of shaved ham.她买了一包切成薄片的火腿。Cameras bring out the ham in her.众多镜头下她的扭捏作态暴露无遗。The ham is cured, then lightly smoked.火腿腌一下,然后稍作熏制。This wine would be excellent with a salty dish such as ham.这种酒配上火腿之类的咸味食品味道非常好。We're having ham for dinner.我们晚餐准备吃火腿。That guy is a real ham, but the girls love him.那家伙真会装腔作势,但是女孩子都喜欢他。They can all be made in minutes by even the most ham-fisted of cooks.即使是最笨手笨脚的厨师也可以在几分钟内把它们全部做好。Our guide unpacked a picnic of ham sandwiches and offered us tea.我们的向导打开装着火腿三明治的野餐盒,又给我们倒了茶。The ham is delicious with avocado.火腿鳄梨非常好吃。He sliced the ham for sandwiches.他把咸熏肉切成片做三明治。




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