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词汇 headlong
例句 He staggered and fell headlong.他一个趔趄,摔了个倒栽葱。If they hit any unseen obstacle they would be pitched headlong into the snow.如果撞上任何没看见的障碍,他们就会被一头抛进雪里。One should not rush headlong into buying stocks.不应轻率购买股票。The rhino charged headlong towards / toward us.犀牛急速地向我们冲来。The country, they say, will inevitably now plunge headlong into decadence.他们说这个国家现在会不可避免地迅速陷入颓败。He ran headlong for the open door.他向开着的门冲过去。He was hurled headlong down the stairs.他被人猛地一推,一头栽下了楼梯。Do not leap headlong into decisions.不要急于下结论。We rushed headlong into marriage.我们没认真考虑就草率结婚了。The army was in headlong flight.军队当时在仓皇逃窜。He dived headlong into the ditch.他一头栽进沟里。I dove headlong to the floor.我头朝前倒在了地板上。She missed her footing and fell headlong down the stairs.她一脚踩空,头朝下摔下了楼梯。He swam headlong into the oncoming wave.他迎头朝着扑面而来的波浪游去。We made a headlong rush for the door.我们莽撞地冲向门口。He plunged headlong into the river.他一头钻进河里。He suddenly pitched headlong to the ground.他突然一头栽倒在地。The army was in headlong flight.部队当时正仓皇奔逃。The economy is on a headlong dive to disaster.经济急剧下滑,就要酿成灾难。A young man rushed headlong into the crowd.一个年轻人急匆匆用力挤进人群。She fell headlong, with a cry of alarm.她惊叫一声,一头栽了下去。He jumped headlong into organizing the event.他一头扎进了这项活动的组织工作中。He ran headlong across the hallway.他匆匆地跑过门厅。He ran headlong into an enemy patrol.他一头撞上了敌人的巡逻队。He saw no great need to rush headlong into parenthood.他觉得没必要赶紧要孩子。The car plunged headlong into the river.汽车一头冲进河中。At the sight he threw himself headlong into the water.看了这情景,他立即纵身跳进水里。He made a headlong plunge into the river.他一头栽进河里。The headlong leader is forever making headlong decisions.那个鲁莽的领导人老是作轻率的决定。They made a headlong dash for the door.他们迅猛地向门口冲去。The country, they say, will inevitably now plunge headlong into decadence.他们说,现在整个国家会不可避免地一头陷入衰退中。The ship rushed headlong through the darkness at her top speed.航船以最高速度冲破黑暗向前行驶。Here, morality and good sentiments clash headlong.在这个问题上,道德和良知互不相容。Don't rush headlong into buying new furniture.不要仓促购买新家具。The boy fell headlong.那男孩摔了个倒栽葱。




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