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词汇 come round
例句 He threatened to come round and kick my head in.他威胁说要过来踢死我。Christmas will soon come round.耶诞节就要到了。It's the first thing you see as you come round the corner. You can't miss it.你转过拐角后第一眼就会看到它,不会错过的。Why not come round to my gaff for a few drinks?到我家来喝几杯如何?I'll just play until the janitor comes round to turn the lights out.我会一直玩到门房过来熄灯。We were sure she'd come round in the end.我们相信她最终会改变主意的。The janitor comes round to turn the lights out.看门人巡视一圈,把灯熄灭。I wish he'd come round and see us sometime, if only just to say hello.真希望他什么时候可以过来看看我们,哪怕只是打个招呼都行。I hope to be in the team when the World Cup comes round next year.我希望明年世界杯举行的时候我仍然效力于该队。Simon Short, running for Scotland, is in the lead as they come round the final bend.代表苏格兰队参加赛跑的西蒙·肖特在最后一个转弯处领先。I wanted to come round and say thank you in person.我要过来当面向你道谢。Why don't you come round later and we'll discuss it over dinner?你等会儿过来,我们吃晚饭的时候谈谈这事好吗?The janitor comes round to turn the lights off.看门人走过来,把灯关了。An inspector comes round every so often to check the safety equipment.偶尔有检查员来检查安全设备。Christmas comes round so quickly!圣诞节来得这么快!A storm of this strength doesn't come round more than once a year.这种强度的风暴一年也就一次。Don't worry – she'll come round eventually.别担心,她最后总会回心转意的。They often argue but it doesn't take them long to come round.他们常常争吵,但很快就和好如初。I'll get onto the doctor/plumber straightaway and see if he'll come round.我马上联系医生/管道工,看他是否能来。The police are waiting for him to come round so they can question him about the attack.警方在等待他苏醒过来,以便能够问他有关袭击的情况。She will eventually come round.最终她会回心转意的。Why don't you come round after work?你下班后何不到我这儿来?A lady comes round the office with a tea trolley in the afternoon.下午一位女士推着茶具车给办公室里的人送茶水。If you'd like to come round the back, I'll show you the garden.你可以绕到房后,我带你看看花园。I rang her the other day and she said she'd like to come round.我前几天给她打电话,她说想过来玩。Don't worry, she'll come round eventually.别担心,最终她会回心转意的。We're hoping that they'll eventually come round to accepting our offer.我们希望他们最终会接受我们的提议。




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