例句 |
After two days without food and water, Voss began to hallucinate.两天两夜未吃未喝,沃斯开始产生幻觉。Hunger made him hallucinate.饥饿使他产生了幻觉。If you stared long enough and hard, you could even begin to hallucinate the appearance of small islands.如果长时间目不转睛地盯着看,你甚至会产生幻觉,看到一些小岛的出现。Mental disorders, drug use, and hypnosis can all cause people to hallucinate.精神失常、吸毒和催眠术都可以使人产生幻觉。The patient may hallucinate if she has a fever.病人如果发热,可能会出现幻觉。 |