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词汇 gut
例句 I bust a gut trying to finish that work on time.我拼足老命想按时完成那工作。My gut feeling was that we couldn't trust her.我的直觉是我们不能信任她。I have a gut feeling that the relationship won't last.我有种直觉,这段关系不会太长久。He busted a gut over all the work he had to do.他努力从事他所必须做的一切工作。You can bust a gut sixteen hours a day, seven days a week, but if your product is lousy, you've wasted your time.你可以玩命地工作,一天十六小时、一周七天,但是如果产品很糟,就是浪费时间。Critics claim that these reforms will gut the law.批评家们宣称,这些改革将有损法律权威。I wanted to write something thoughtful, not just leap in with my gut reaction.我想写一些有深度的东西来,而不仅仅凭直觉反应就仓促行事。Meat stays in the gut longer than vegetable matter.和蔬菜相比,肉类在消化道中停留的时间更长。You have to trust your gut feeling.你一定要相信自己的直觉。We're going to have to bust a gut to finish this project on time.为了按时完成这个项目,我们必须拼命地工作。Going to court can be a gut-wrenching experience.打官司会是一场让人饱受折磨的经历。Raw food is absorbed more slowly in the gut.生食在肠道里吸收得较慢。He had a gut feeling that Sarah was lying.他凭直觉感到萨拉在撒谎。Let's have your gut reaction to the facts as we know them.请告诉我们你对我们所了解的这些事实的本能反应。I nearly bust a gut trying to get the job finished on time.为了按时完成这项工作我简直是拼命了。The fishing line is made of gut.钓鱼线是羊肠线做的。He lowered the tip of the blade to gut level, then lunged.他先将剑尖沉到腹部,然后一记猛刺。She knew at gut level that he was guilty.直觉告诉她,他有罪。The tennis racket is strung with the finest gut.这网球拍的弦用的是最好的羊肠线。I really busted a gut to get that report finished on time.我的确下了一番苦工以按时完成那份报告。He knew he had to trust his gut and do what felt right.他知道他必须相信自己的直觉去做正确的事情。He's been staying up all nights, busting a gut over all the work he has to do.他一连几天熬夜,拼命做所有该做的事。My gut reaction was not to trust him.我的直觉反应是不要相信他。Going to court can be an expensive, time consuming and gut wrenching experience that is best avoided.打官司费钱耗时而且给人添堵,所以最好能避则避。We may not make it, but we'll split a gut trying.我们不一定会成功,但我们要作出一切努力。Descale, gut, and clean the fish.除去鱼鳞,取出内脏,然后清理干净。My immediate gut feeling was to refuse.我本能的直接反应是拒绝。What does your gut tell you to do?你的直觉让你怎么做?His gut sagged out over his belt.他的大肚子松松地垂在腰带上。Her cruel remark was like a kick in the gut.她冷酷的话就像在肚子上狠踹了一脚。He knew, deep down, in the gut, what it was like to be inferior.他在心底里知道不如别人意味着什么。It takes several hours for food to pass through the gut.食物通过肠道需要几个小时的时间。She knew in her gut that he was lying.她凭直觉知道他在撒谎。He felt as if someone had just kicked him in the gut.他感觉好像有人踢了他肚子一脚。My gut reaction was that he was lying.我本能地感觉到他在撒谎。I went with my gut and chose Sarah to lead the team.我听从了直觉,选择莎拉领导队伍。It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.冷冻鱼之前并不总是需要先把内脏掏空。My head said that I should go but my gut said I should stay.理智上我该走,但是感觉告诉我该留。This drug reduces mucus production in the gut.这种药可以减少肠道的粘液分泌。Root vegetables are absorbed more slowly in the gut.块根蔬菜在肠里吸收得较慢。




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