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词汇 grievance
例句 The group has lodged a grievance.那个小组提交了申诉。Some people will complain even if they have no genuine grievance.有些人即使没受什么委屈也要抱怨。She has been nursing a grievance all week.整个星期她一直心怀怨愤。She filed a grievance last year after her supervisor refused to promote her.去年,主管拒绝给她升职,她便为此正式投诉。The complainant may well have a genuine grievance.那个投诉人很可能真正受了委屈。Their main grievance was that they had not received their pitiably low pay.他们主要的抱怨是没有拿到那少得可怜的工资。Anyone who has a legitimate grievance against the company can take it to the arbitration committee.任何人只要有充分的理由投诉该公司,均可交仲裁委员会处理。The union has filed a formal grievance , accusing the company of unfair labor practices.工会已正式投诉,控告公司不公平的用工举措。Colin never harboured a grievance for long.科林从来不会长时间积压怨气。He had a personal grievance against the professor.他对这位教授怀有私怨。The captain told them to report any grievance to him.船长告诉他们有意见尽管向他报告。She will use this as a peg to hang her grievance on.她会利用这个作为发泄怨愤的借口。She still nursed her old grievance.她仍然心存旧怨。The small amount of compensation is a source of grievance to the people forced to leave their homes.被迫离开家园的人们仅获得很少的补偿,这成为激起他们不满的一个诱因。The main grievance of the drivers is the imposition of higher fees for driving licences.让驾驶员深感不满的是驾驶执照收费的提高。He has a deep sense of grievance against his former employer.他对他的前雇主深怀不满。For years he had nursed a grievance against his former employer.多年来他一直对前雇主心怀不满。She never nurses a grievance or plans revenge.她从没有心存不满,也不打算报复。The customer may well have a genuine grievance.顾客很可能真的有怨气。Nursing a grievance makes you bitter.积怨在心只能使你不愉快。They had a legitimate grievance.他们的不满是合乎情理的。She has a genuine grievance.她真的受了委屈。He is not one to nurse a grievance/grudge.他不是个心怀不满/怨恨的人。In several cities, grievance has boiled over this spring into violence.在几个城市里,今春不满情绪已失去控制而演变成了暴力行动。




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