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词汇 grief
例句 She felt great grief over her lost youth.她对逝去的青春感到极大的悲伤。His funeral was the occasion of a massive outpouring of grief.他的葬礼引发了巨大的悲痛。We were overpowered by hunger/grief.我们饥饿难忍/悲痛欲绝。After her death he gave himself over to grief.她去世后,他沉溺在悲痛中不能自拔。This must have been causing Jean immeasurable grief.这一定给琼带来了无限的悲痛。She wept out her grief to her father.她对父亲哭诉自己的哀怨。To put grief away is disloyal to the memory of the departed.忘却悲痛有悖于对亡者的怀念。Kate could see the grief etched on his face as he continued.在他往下说的时候,凯特可以看到他脸上深切的悲痛。Talk to others about your feelings of loss and grief.同别人聊聊你的失落和痛苦。Children can feel real grief at the loss of a pet.小孩子会为失去宠物而十分悲伤。We felt as if we were intruding on his private grief.我们都觉得似乎触及到了他内心的伤痛。Counselling helped her come to terms with her grief.心理咨询帮助她减轻了悲痛。Travel is the sure remedy for grief.旅行是排遣忧愁的万无一失的办法。She put on a histrionic display of grief at the funeral.她在葬礼上装出一副悲伤的样子。Either he escaped, or he came to grief. In any case, he was never seen again.他要么逃掉了,要么遭到了不测。不管怎么样,反正再也没有人见过他。The grief-stricken widow refused to leave her dead husband's side.那遗孀悲痛欲绝,不忍离开死去的丈夫的身旁。Her mouth was twisted out of shape by grief.她悲伤得嘴扭曲变形了。Tears express grief.眼泪表达的是悲恸。I wanted only to wallow in my own grief.我只想沉湎于自己的悲伤中。The Queen was grief-stricken over his death.女王为他的去世悲痛不已。Such a child is a grief to his parents.这样的孩子真让父母痛心。Giving way to her grief, Anna burst into tears.安娜控制不住悲伤,突然哭了起来。She talked out her grief to me.她向我倾吐她的伤心事。The loneliness and grief comes in waves.孤独和悲伤不断涌上心头。The old lady was benumbed by grief.老太太伤心得发了呆。Trying to fix the computer isn't worth the grief.为修好这台电脑如此费神不值得。A good actor can express every gradation of feeling from joy to grief.一名好演员能够表现出由快乐至痛苦的每一阶段的感情变化。When she heard of her son's death, she was mad with grief.听到儿子的死讯,她悲伤得几乎发疯了。The boat came to grief on the rocks.这条船不幸撞上了礁石。Love, hatred, and grief are emotions.爱,恨和悲都是情感。Her heart was pierced with grief.她内心悲伤极了。The death of his son has left him grief-stricken.儿子的死令他悲伤不已。He's taken/gotten/had a lot of grief from his friends.他饱受朋友们戏谑的批评。With time, my grief at my father's death has eased.随着时间的流逝,父亲的去世给我带来的悲伤有所减轻。The constant partygoing of her later years was a desperate camouflage for her grief.她晚年不停地参加各种聚会,其实是在竭力掩饰心中的悲痛。I felt awkward at intruding on their private grief.我为触到他们内心的伤心事而感到十分尴尬。The sight of her grief tore at my heart.看到她悲伤,我的心都要碎了。Her grief over her child's death was not at all relieved by the lapse of time.时间的推移并未减轻她的失子之痛。She was almost demented with grief.她悲痛得几乎发疯。The bereaved mother was pining away with grief.那位失去孩子的母亲因悲伤而日渐憔悴。




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