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词汇 courses
例句 I was enrolled on three different courses.我注册了三门不同的课程。He criticized my inclusion of courses involving radical ideas.他批评我的课程里涉及激进的思想。These courses give students more scope for developing their own ideas.这些课程给学生提供了更多机会来完善自己的想法。Diplomas were conferred on the students who had completed all courses of study.修完全部课程的学生被授予毕业证书。At some colleges, the courses are modular.在有些院校,课程是分单元进行的。Many companies run in-house management courses for their staff.许多公司都在内部为员工开设管理课程。All our courses can be tailored to the needs of individuals.我们所有的课程都可以根据个人需要而开设。Role play is used in training courses, language-learning and psychotherapy.角色扮演被用于训练课程、语言学习和精神疗法中。The study also notes a steady decline in the number of college students taking science courses.研究还注意到攻读理科的大学生数量持续减少。There are many other training courses that would be equally suitable.有很多其他培训课程也同样适合。He took some advanced courses to earn college credits.他为了获得大学学分而修了几门高级课程She took three elective courses last term.上学期她选了三门选修课。The courses were run to a consistent format.这些课程的安排是有连续性的。In retrospect, I wish that I had thought about alternative courses of action.回想起来,我真希望自己当时考虑过其他做法。As well as textbooks and other printed matter, courses may include video and audio cassettes.除了教科书和其他印刷品,教程还包括视听盒带。The company runs courses throughout Africa.这家公司在整个非洲都设有航线。Details of courses are listed below.课程的详细介绍列在下面。She gave me some information on university courses.她告诉我大学课程的一些情况。Taking long-term courses of certain medicines may increase vulnerability to infection.长期服用某些药品可能会增加感染的可能性。You are free to choose whichever courses you want to take.你可以自由选择你想学的课程。In many courses, work from the second year onwards can count towards the final degree.在很多课程中,从第二年开始的学习成绩将会影响最终学位。They can choose freely from a wide range of courses.他们可以从一大堆课程中自由选择。There are special courses for people with disabilities.为残疾人士设有特殊课程。The school runs courses all year round.这所学校全年开设课程。Most companies are looking to sponsor students on specific courses.大部分公司在寻求机会资助学习某些特定课程的学生。Many students register for these courses to widen skills for use in their current job .许多学生报名学习这些课程是为增加技能,以适应目前工作的需要。Some of our courses extend over two years.我们有些课程修读期超过两年。The student advice office provides details of all the university courses in the country.学生咨询处提供全国各大学课程的详细资料。Though he spent more time on sports than studies, he breezed through his pre-med courses.虽然他花在运动上的时间比学习上要多,但他轻而易举地通过了医大预科各项课程。Students' decisions to either take or avoid AP courses have fundamental effects on their college attendance.学生选择是否学习大学先修课程对大学入学有着根本的影响。Diploma and certificate courses do not normally require the submission of a dissertation.为获得文凭和证书所修的课程通常不需要提交论文。In the first year, all students take five courses.第一年,所有学生都选五门课程。There are a large number of centres where you can take full-time courses.有很多中心开设全日制课程。They run specially designed courses for managers.他们开设特别为经理设计的课程。The manual is full of the jargon and slang of self-improvement courses.手册里满是有关自修课程的行话术语。To find out more about university courses, write to this address.想要了解更多大学课程的信息,按这个地址来函。An A to Z of careers gives helpful information about courses.按字母顺序排列的职业大全提供了有助于课程选择的信息。The school offers courses in every subject imaginable.任何一种能想到的课程,这所学校均有开设。All the main courses come with salad and chips.主菜都附送沙拉和炸薯条。The courses cover the full spectrum of levels.这些课程从初级到高级,各个水平都有。




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