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例句 Tear off the coupon and send it to this address.把赠券撕下,寄到这个地址去。You can redeem this coupon at any store.你可以在任何一家店使用这张优惠券。Send the coupon with your deposit to House Beautiful Weekend, FAO Heidi Ross.将订单和订金一同寄往《美宅周末》,海迪·罗斯收。Send in this coupon for more information.如需了解更多信息,请将本咨询单寄回。The coupon is good until the end of March.优惠券的有效期一直到三月底。Use the coupon below to reserve advance tickets for the exhibition.凭下面的优惠券预订展览的预售票。Simply complete the coupon below.填写下面的订货单即可。Simply fill in the coupon and take it to your local store.只要把这张优惠券填好,拿到当地的商店去就行。Fill in the coupon and send it first class to the address shown.填写本礼券并按所显示的地址用第一类邮件寄出。Circle the correct answers on the coupon below.将下面参赛券上的正确答案圈出来。To find out more about our products, fill in the coupon and send it to us at the address given below.如果想更多了解我们的产品,请填写本资料索取单,并按以下地址寄给我们。The coupon is good for one free ice-cream cone.这张赠券正好可以换领一个蛋卷冰激凌。With the coupon you can buy two loaves of bread for the price of one. 用优惠券你可以以一条面包的价格买两条。To take advantage of this exclusive offer, simply fill in and post the coupon today.要享受这一专属价格,只需于今日将优惠券填好寄出即可。Bring in this coupon for a free oil change.持这种优惠券可以免费更换一次机油。You can redeem the coupon at any store.你可以在任何商店兑换这张赠券。Cut out and return this coupon to claim your free gift.想要赠品,请将此优惠券剪下并寄回。He was filling in his pools coupon.他正在填写足球博彩的彩票。For more information just fill out the coupon below and send it to us today.欲知详情,请填附表,即日寄来。The coupon is not valid if detached.折价券撕下无效。




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