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词汇 couples
例句 Many couples want to compress their childbearing into a short space of time in their married life.许多夫妇都想在婚后的短短一段时间内完成生育。It was thought that this would act as an incentive for couples to adopt older children.人们认为这将会对夫妇们收养大一些的孩子起到鼓励作用。The people were lined up in couples.大家两人一组排成行。Seventeen couples participated in the survey.有十七对夫妻参与了这项调查。There is still a general expectation that married couples will have children.一般仍认为已婚人士应生儿育女。They wish same-sex couples to be recognised as families.他们希望同性伴侣建立的家庭可以得到认可。Some couples see single women as a threat to their relationships.一些夫妻认为单身女性会对他们的关系造成威胁。Gender ideology still has an important role in determining how couples allocate household tasks.性别意识形态在夫妻家务分配中仍然扮演着重要角色。Evenings bring couples and singles for open air concert.夜晚引得双双对对和单身男女去听露天音乐会。Apartment dwellers are still primarily couples and singles.公寓里住的主要还是夫妻或者单身男女。Ben was the only bachelor among all the married couples and felt quite out of place.在那么多的已婚夫妇中,本是唯一的单身汉,所以觉得很格格不入。Money is often a source of tension and disagreements in young married couples.金钱往往是年轻夫妇关系紧张不和的起因。The four couples began the opening dance.四对舞伴开始跳开场舞。Each of the couples, after the convolutions and evolutions, successively whirls round in a circle, till all are in motion.在回旋和动作变换都做完后,围成圆形的每对舞伴相继旋转直到所有舞伴都旋转起来。Kenya's experience suggests that a nation needs a combination of catalysts to prod couples to have fewer children.肯尼亚的经验表明,为鼓励少生,政府需出台多种激励性政策。For many childless couples, adoption is the best solution.对许多没有孩子的夫妇来说,收养是最好的解决办法。He couples studying with teaching.他一边学习一边教书。The romance had gone out of their relationship, so they signed up for couples therapy. 他们的婚姻关系中已经没有了浪漫色彩,所以他们报名参加了夫妻感情修复治疗。I feel really sorry for young married couples these days. It's hard going for them.我很同情现在的小夫妻,他们过得很不容易。The resort is a perfect romantic hideaway for young couples.这个度假胜地对年轻夫妇而言是完美的独处之地。Married couples stand to gain from this tax cut.已婚夫妇有望从这项减税中获益。Sweden allows gay partners to receive many of the benefits awarded to heterosexual married couples.瑞典允许同性恋伴侣享受异性夫妻可以得到的许多福利。For socially ambitious couples this is a problem.对于一心要出人头地的夫妇来说,这就是一个问题。The room was full of dancing couples.房间里挤满了一对对的舞伴。Many young couples rent an apartment until they've saved enough money to buy a house.许多年轻夫妇先租住一个公寓套间,直至积攒到足够的钱才自己买房子。Contraception enables couples to plan their families.夫妻通过避孕可以实现计划生育。The two couples used to go around as a foursome.这两对夫妇过去常常四个人一块儿到处走。This study concerns couples' expectations of marriage.这项研究是关于夫妻对婚姻的期望。Money is a perennial source of disagreement among couples.钱财历来是夫妇之间不和的根源。Most couples would agree that for a marriage to succeed, both parties have to work at it.大多数夫妻都会认同,婚姻的成功需要双方的努力。Gay and lesbian couples should be eligible for the same health benefits as married heterosexual couples.同性恋夫妻应该有资格享受和异性夫妻同样的健康福利。We help separated couples to agree how best to co-parent the children.我们帮助离婚分居夫妻在共同抚育子女方面达成一致意见。The treatment of infertility is largely dependent on the ability of couples to pay.不育症治疗很大程度上取决于夫妇们的支付能力。There was an awkward moment as couples decided whether to stand next to their partners.大家在决定是否要站到自己配偶身旁时,这一刻令人尴尬。In the semi-darkness, couples were smooching to sentimental love-songs.在半明半暗的灯光下,一对对恋人伴着充满柔情的情歌搂抱亲吻。Other changes include more tolerant attitudes to unmarried couples having children.其他变化包括对未婚伴侣生育更为宽容。The hotel was full of honeymoon couples.酒店里住满了度蜜月的夫妇。Discussions about money can lead couples into treacherous territory.讨论金钱会把情侣带入危险境地。It's quite common to see couples who dress alike.夫妻穿着相似是司空见惯的事儿。I was the odd man out; all my friends were in couples.我孤零零一个;我的朋友都是成双搭对的。




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