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词汇 courageous
例句 It was a very frightening experience and they were very courageous.那次经历非常恐怖,但他们表现得非常勇敢。The gale raging outside was sufficient to give pause to even the most courageous climber.外面呼啸的大风足以令最无畏的登山者踌躇不前。He was a fine man; I'll go further, he was very courageous.他是个好人,我还要说,他非常勇敢。It was a courageous decision to resign in protest at the company's pollution record.以辞职来抗议公司污染环境的劣迹是一个勇敢的决定。Far from being an ignominy this was a courageous and morally correct deed.这非但不是卑劣行为,反而是勇敢的正义行动。It was courageous of him to oppose his chief.他胆子真大,居然反对他的上司。She was chosen for the Peace Prize because of her courageous fight for democracy.她被选为和平奖得主是因为她敢于争取民主。She was a courageous woman who wasn't afraid to support unpopular causes.她是个勇敢的人,不惧怕支持少人问津的事业。Thanks to the exertions of a few sensible and courageous men, the compromise was accepted.由于少数明智且勇敢的人的努力,折中方案被采纳了。He has a reputation for being courageous in his hometown.他在家乡以勇敢闻名。Frank fought a courageous battle against cancer.弗兰克勇敢地和癌症作斗争。Being manly meant being physically courageous and self-assured.有男子气概意味着要勇敢自信。Louis was shown as an intelligent, courageous and virtuous family man.路易斯在人们眼里是一个智慧、勇敢、品德高尚的顾家男人。This courageous and subversive movie has attracted widespread critical support.这部大胆而具颠覆性的电影受到了评论界的广泛支持。He was wrong, and courageous enough to admit it.他错了,但有勇气承认自己错了。It was a courageous decision, and one that everybody admired.那是一个勇敢的决定,也是一个为所有人赞赏的决定。Few will forget her courageous stand against inequality and injustice.很少有人会忘记她反对不平等和不公正现象的坚定无畏的立场。The girl was amazingly courageous.那女孩惊人地勇敢。You're brave and courageous. You can make it.你勇敢无畏,一定会获得成功。If we remain courageous and determined, then I do not doubt that the day will be ours.如果我们有勇气,有决心,那么我坚信胜利必将属于我们。The army fought a courageous rearguard action.部队打了一场英勇的后卫战。But for the actions of a few courageous individuals, we might all have died.要不是那几位勇士奋不顾身,也许我们已全部丧命了。




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