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词汇 greedily
例句 She surprised herself by eating greedily.她竟然吃得那么起劲儿,自己都觉得意外。He grabbed the bottle and drank greedily.他抓起瓶子就贪婪地喝了起来。Wendell devoured a large piece of gingerbread, then licked his fingers greedily.温德尔囫囵吞吃了一大块姜饼,然后还馋嘴地舔着手指。The children eyed the cakes greedily.孩子们贪婪地盯着蛋糕。She greedily insisted on special benefits at work.她极力坚持从工作中得到特殊补偿。He devoured the food greedily.他贪婪地吞咽下食物。She watched greedily while he went through his wallet.她贪婪地看着他翻钱包。Livy ate the pasties greedily and with huge enjoyment.莉薇津津有味地大口吃着点心。He drank greedily, taking huge gulps from the bottle.他拿着瓶子大口大口地喝着,十分贪婪。She gazed at the diamond ring greedily.她贪婪地注视著那枚钻石戒指。He came up from the water, greedily gulping in air.他从水里冒出头来,贪婪地大口吸着气。He drank greedily until his thirst was satiated.他大口大口地喝了个饱。They were served lamb and rosemary and she surprised herself by eating greedily.给他们上的是迷迭香焖羊肉,令她惊讶的是,自己竟然吃得那么起劲儿。Gervaise and Terry had opened their crisp packets and were munching greedily.热尔韦斯和特里已经打开了薯片包装袋,嘎巴嘎巴地大嚼起来。He ate noisily and greedily. I tried hard not to be disgusted by his manners.他吃得又吵又急,我努力忍着没有对他的吃相表示出厌恶。The Englishman drank greedily.这个英国人大口喝了起来。I saw Pittsy staring greedily at little Vaughn.我看见皮特西垂涎三尺地盯着小沃恩。




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