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词汇 有点儿
例句 The things you asked knocked me back a bit but I suppose I should have expected as much.你问的事情让我有点儿吃惊,但也许我本应该预料到的。The photos, which include some mildly titillating semi-nude shots of the actress, will be on display for a week.这些照片,包括该女演员一些有点儿挑逗的半裸照片,将展出一星期。I'm getting a little bit too old to start over.我年纪有点儿太大了,不能再换新职业了。Sorry I'm a bit irritable – I had a bad night.抱歉,我有点儿烦躁,夜里没休息好。He had a bit of a scrap with the boy next door.他和隔壁的男孩有点儿争执。Let's be brutally honest about this: you don't have a hope of succeeding.虽然有点儿残忍,但老实说,你没有成功的希望。I still felt a little dazed.我仍然觉得有点儿不清醒。Susan couldn't help feeling a little peeved.苏珊不禁有点儿恼火。I'm sort of worried about Jenny.有点儿担心珍妮。The finale was a touch on the lively side.结尾部分有点儿偏活泼欢快。Things were getting a bit heavy, so I scarpered!情况变得有点儿严重,所以我溜走了!He has been spending rather a lot of money lately.他近来花钱有点儿多。She was still a bit unsteady on her feet.她还是有点儿步履蹒跚。The new system took a bit of getting used to.新的制度适应起来有点儿费劲。He was reeling a little. He must be very drunk.他走起来有点儿摇晃,一定是喝多了。It's rather rash of you to go in just now.你现在就进去有点儿太性急了。You were sailing a little close to the wind there when you made those remarks about his wife.你那么说他的妻子可有点儿冒险。It's a little breezy up here.这高处有点儿微风。He seems a bit of an iffy character.他似乎是个有点儿不可靠的人。Don't you find it a little funny that she never mentions her husband?她从没提起过她丈夫,你不觉得有点儿奇怪吗?I hope that fish was all right - my stomach feels a little strange .我希望那条鱼没问题——我的肚子感觉有点儿不舒服。He is rather fat, but he has a decent face.有点儿胖,但脸相当漂亮。The Head paced the room, something after the fashion of the tiger at the Zoo.头目在房间里踱来踱去,有点儿像动物园里踱步的老虎。The whole situation smacks of mismanagement and incompetence.整件事让人觉得有点儿管理不善,当事人能力欠缺。I was a little shy of them at first.一开始我对他们有点儿戒心。I've heard he's a bit kinky.我听说他有点儿性变态。I felt like a bit of a freak in my strange clothes.穿着奇装异服,我觉得自己有点儿像个怪物。She seemed slightly distracted, as if something was worrying her.她似乎有点儿心不在焉,好像有什么事困扰着她。Sean was a little impatient at the time Valerie devoted to her mother.肖恩有点儿忍受不了瓦莱丽花太多时间在她母亲身上。It's a bit late in the day to start issuing warnings when we're already in the middle of a crisis.在我们已经深陷危机之时才开始发出警告,有点儿为时已晚。The house is a little out of the way, but you should be able to find it.这房子有点儿偏远,但你应该能找到。He's not a bad man, just a bit dense.他人不坏,就是有点儿愚钝。Kirk is just out to lunch today.柯克今天有点儿魂不守舍。Driving through the total darkness was a slightly surreal experience.在一片漆黑中开车有点儿像在梦中一般。My stomach's a bit unsettled after all that rich food.吃了那么多油腻食物之后,我的胃有点儿不舒服。It's the only explanation that makes any kind of sense.这是唯一有点儿道理的解释。His humour is a bit too blue for my tastes.他的幽默对我来说有点儿太下流了。I was a bit windy about my ability to navigate.我当时有点儿担心自己驾船的能力。As soon as things got difficult he took the easy way out.事情刚变得有点儿棘手,他就急忙脱身。Her style of writing is somewhat reminiscent of Virginia Woolf.她的写作风格有点儿像弗吉尼娅·伍尔夫。




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