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词汇 go back
例句 The most likely scenario is that he goes back to school in the fall.最大的可能是他秋天返回学校。The clocks go back tonight.今天晚上把钟往回拨。The weeks sped by and soon it was time to go back to school.几个星期转眼过去,很快又到了开学的时候。I'll certainly go back to my job once I've worked out who's going to look after the kids during the day.我一安排好白天照顾小孩子的人,肯定会回去工作。Those kids are enough to drive anyone crazy. I'll be glad when they go back to school.那些孩子能把任何人都逼疯—我巴不得他们回学校去。When we got to the border, the guards made us turn around and go back.我们到达边界时,卫兵让我们转身回去。I don't want to go back there and drag up that anger again.我不想再回到那儿,重提那件气人的事。I really don't want to go there. I'd just as soon turn around and go back.我真的不想到那儿去,我宁可转身回去。I'll check when I go back next week.我下周回去后会查一查。Check that you have everything before you leave. It will save your having to go back again.离开前检查一下随身物品,以免再跑回来一趟。Let's go back to his after the show.演出结束后我们回他家去吧。Our experience in developing custodial facilities goes back over a decade.我们开发监禁设施已经有十多年的经验。The budget crisis has forced the President to go back on his word.预算危机迫使总统违背自己的承诺。It's beginning to cloud over – we should go back now.天色开始暗下来了,我们该回去了。I don't think you should go back to work too soon after having the baby.我觉得你生了孩子不应太快回去上班。We'll have to abort the plan and go back to the drawing board.我们将不得不放弃计划,从头再来。Her parents threatened to disown her if she didn't go back to school.她父母威胁说如果她不返校继续读书就与她断绝关系。Let's go back home now.咱们现在回家吧。It proved an irresistible temptation to Hall to go back.事实证明回去对霍尔是个不可抗拒的诱惑。The region has a tradition of winemaking which goes back to Roman times.该地区有酿酒的传统,这一传统可以追溯到古罗马时代。I'd like to go back to the point that was made earlier.我想回到前面讲过的一点。They wanted to pack it all in and go back to college.他们想要就此放弃,然后重回大学校园。Now that he's feeling better, he can go back to work.既然他感觉好些了,那么他可以回去工作了。I want to go back there, for purely selfish reasons.我想回到那里,纯粹是出于私心。When the crown has been made you go back and the dentist will fit it into place.人造牙冠做好后再去,牙医会把它安上。These problems go back a long way. 这些问题由来已久。If you don't want to go back to jail, you'd better lie low for a while.你要是不想回监狱去,最好躲一会儿。The end result was that the ship had to turn round, and go back to Djibouti.最后的结果是这艘船不得不掉转方向,驶回吉布提。Promise you won't go back on our luncheon engagement.我们已约好了一起吃午饭,答应我你不失约。His idea didn't work, so he had to go back to square one. 他的主意行不通,只好重新开始。They bend on impact instead of breaking but the material remembers its original shape and goes back to it.这些物件受到冲击会翘曲变形而不折断,但是这种材料会凭记忆恢复原来形状。You shouldn't go back to school until you're completely better.在你没有完全康复之前你不应该回学校。She finally had to go back to work to pay the bills that were mounting up.她最后只得回去工作,以支付不断增加的账单。We go back and look at our exit interviews as to why people leave.我们回过头来看一下员工离职时对其进行的面谈,以便弄清人们离开的原因。The government looks likely to go back on its decision to close the mines.看来政府可能会出尔反尔,推翻原先关闭矿井的决定。While many models vow to go back to college, few do.很多模特发誓要重回大学校园,但很少有人做到。Is there any particular reason why you want to go back to Japan?你想回日本去有什么特别的原因吗?Everyone thought I was mad to go back, but I wouldn't be moved.大家都认为我回去是很不明智的,但我不会动摇。I know your aunt - in fact we go back a long way.我认识你的姑妈,事实上我们相识多年了。My memory doesn't go back that far.我记不起那么远的事。




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