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词汇 wolves
例句 The wolves were loosed.狼被放开了。Several wolves prowled round the camp, but were kept at bay by the fire.几匹狼在营地周围悄然出没,但因为有篝火而不敢靠近。Dogs, wolves, and coyotes belong to the same genus.狗、狼和土狼是同属。Dogs are closely related to wolves, jackals and other canines.狗和狼、胡狼以及其他犬科动物是近亲。There was a controversy over the release of wolves into the park.对于是否要把狼群引入公园,目前存在争议。The two studies disagreed on when people first started domesticating dogs from wolves.这两项研究在人类何时开始把狼驯养为狗的问题上持不同看法。The silent wolves would track and circle them.悄无声息的群狼会跟踪并包围他们。But he had thrown her to the wolves in an act of cold-blooded calculation.但他经过冷酷算计,把她送上了绝路。There is a lot of controversy over whether or not wolves should be released into the park.对于是否应该把狼群放入公园,目前存在许多争议。There are many stories which describe wolves as dangerous, blood-thirsty animals, but actually they prefer to avoid human beings.有许多故事把狼说成是危险而嗜血成性的动物,但实际上它们宁可避开人类。The wolves prey on small animals.狼捕食小动物。Her body had been torn apart by wolves.她的尸体被狼群撕成了碎片。The wolves howled all night.那些狼彻夜嗥叫。The wolves' coats turn white to match their snowy background.狼的皮毛变成白色,与白雪皑皑的环境融为一体。She compared the media to a pack of ravening / ravenous wolves.她把媒体比作一群饿狼。Dogs and wolves have the same dentition.狗和狼有相同的牙列。We could hear the howling of wolves, muffled by forest and mist.我们隔着森林和雾气,隐隐听到狼嚎声。For Halloween, the children made up stories about wolves and witches.过万圣节时,小孩子们编出狼和巫婆的故事。He threw his partner to the wolves by exposing his involvement in the scandal.他揭发他的合伙人与这个丑闻有牵连,从而使其身处困境。The wolves ran our sheep in the night.夜间,狼追逐我们的羊。The yard was fenced in to keep out wolves.院子用篱笆围起防止狼进来。Dogs are used to track the wolves to their lair in the forest.用狗来追踪狼在林中的巢穴。He encountered boars, wild dogs, and wolves in the woods.在森林中他遇到过野猪,野狗和狼。




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