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词汇 woke
例句 The following day she woke up with a splitting headache.第二天她醒来时头痛欲裂。I'm a light sleeper - so I woke up as soon as I heard him come in.我睡得不沉,所以一听到他进来我就醒了。Even after he retired, he still woke up early every day by/from force of habit. 尽管已经退休,他还是每天习惯性地早醒。Once in the night I woke and heard the blowing of the wind.有天夜里我醒了,听见在刮风。A sudden noise on the street woke Eileen from a deep sleep.街上一个突然的声音把艾琳从沉睡中惊醒。When I woke up the fire had gone out.当我醒来时,火已经熄了。The next thing I knew, I woke up in hospital.出乎意料的是,我醒来时正躺在医院里。He woke me early.他很早就叫醒了我。Sylvia woke with a jump.西尔维娅一下子惊醒过来。The bad news woke the country to the danger of war.这则坏消息使全国警觉到战争的危险性。He woke from a nightmare, trembling with fear.他从梦魇中惊醒,吓得浑身颤栗。Loud snores woke me.响亮的鼾声吵醒了我。The dull rumble of traffic woke her.来往车辆低沉的轰鸣声把她吵醒了。When I woke up this morning my eyes were all gummed up.今天早晨我醒来时,眼睛被眼屎给糊住了。Amy woke up to the sound of her doorbell ringing.随着门铃叮当作响,埃米醒来了。When I woke up this morning, the ground was covered with frost.我今天早晨醒来的时候,地面上覆盖了一层霜。He woke before dawn.他在黎明前醒来。I woke up when the alarm went off.闹钟一响,我就醒了。I was having a nap when a loud noise woke me up.我正在打盹,突然一声巨响把我吵醒了。She woke him for his medicines at intervals throughout the night.她夜里每隔一段时间就叫他起来服药。I woke him up with a poke in the ribs.我戳了一下他的肋骨把他弄醒了。I went to sleep, and at two o'clock in the morning I woke up.我睡着了,凌晨两点的时候醒了过来。The citizens of Moscow woke up this morning to find they had a new government.今天早上,莫斯科市民一觉醒来发现他们有了一个新政府。He woke later than he had intended.他醒得比他预期的迟。I woke before the alarm, filled with apprehension.我心里七上八下的,闹钟没响就醒了。He woke to see their two heads clearly silhouetted against his window.他醒来时看到窗户上清晰地映出他俩脑袋的轮廓。Alastair woke up on the sofa with a stiff neck.阿拉斯泰尔从沙发上醒来时感到颈部发僵。I woke with a jolt.我猛然惊醒。We were sleeping peacefully when a sudden loud noise woke us up.我们睡得正香,突然一阵喧闹的噪声把我们吵醒了。We woke up to find ourselves covered in mosquito bites.我们醒来后发现自己浑身都被蚊子叮遍了。When Jock woke up and found you gone, he went crazy.乔克醒来发现你不在,他急疯了。Several hours lapsed before he woke up.过了好几个小时他才醒。When he woke in the morning his eyes were all gummed up.早晨醒时,他两眼都粘住了。He woke up with a terrible headache.他醒来后头痛欲裂。She woke up with a hangover.她醒来时感到宿醉。She woke to see Ben standing by the window.她醒来时看到本站在窗边。I woke up to discover that he had gone.我醒来时发现他已走了。Ronnie woke up when he felt Major, the family dog, licking at his hand.龙尼醒来发现家里的狗梅杰正在舔他的手。I woke with a stiff neck.我醒来发现落枕了。When I woke up the next morning, I couldn't remember a thing.第二天早晨醒来,我什么都记不得了。




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