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词汇 woken
例句 We were woken at dawn by a cock crowing repeatedly.黎明时,我们被一阵阵的鸡啼声吵醒。I was woken up by a couple of drunks larking around in the street.我被街上几个醉鬼的嬉闹声吵醒了。She was woken by a sharp rap on the door.她被一阵急促的敲门声惊醒。He had woken up with a headache.他头疼得睡不着觉。By then governments may have woken up to a yet more radical option.到那时政府可能已经意识到该采取更为激进的手段。I was woken up by a loud shriek from the bathroom.我被浴室传出的一声尖叫惊醒了。In the middle of the night, I was woken by a loud noise downstairs.半夜的时候,我被楼下一个很大的声音吵醒。I was woken by a bright light shining in my face.一道照在脸上的亮光将我晃醒。On Sunday morning Bill was woken by the telephone.星期天早晨,比尔被电话铃声吵醒了。I was woken up by a bird twittering just outside my window.一大早我就被窗外一只叽叽喳喳的小鸟弄醒了。We were woken by a frantic knocking at the door.我们被一阵疯狂的敲门声惊醒了。I was having a nap by the fire one evening when I was woken up by the doorbell有一天晚上我正在炉火边瞌睡,门铃响了,我就醒了过来。She had woken me out of a sound sleep.她把我从酣睡中叫醒。The children had woken up in the night, frightened by the sound of thunder and lightning.夜里,孩子们因受到电闪雷鸣惊吓而醒来。His hair was tousled and he looked as if he'd just woken up.他头发蓬乱,一副刚睡醒的样子。She had barely slept 10 minutes before she was woken up again.她刚睡了十分钟就又被弄醒了。I was woken up by the chimes of the cathedral bells.我被大教堂的钟声唤醒。We were woken early by the sound of the birds singing.我们很早就被鸟儿的鸣唱声唤醒。We were woken at dawn by gunfire.黎明时分我们被枪炮声惊醒了。She had just woken up from a deep sleep.她刚从沉睡中醒来。I had just woken up and wasn't quite with it yet.我刚刚醒来,头脑还不太清醒。She was woken from a deep sleep by a ring at the door.她在熟睡中被门铃声吵醒了。The rugby club has been asleep for five years and it's just woken up.这个橄榄球俱乐部沉寂了五年,刚刚苏醒过来。I was woken by the sound of a truck backfiring.卡车引擎的回火声把我惊醒了。I had just woken up and was still pretty much out of it.我刚刚睡醒,脑子还很不清楚。I was woken up by cats yowling outside my window.我被窗外猫的嚎叫声吵醒了。I was woken by the smash of glass.玻璃被砸碎的声音把我吵醒了。I was suddenly woken up by the shrill ringing of the telephone.我突然被尖厉的电话铃声惊醒。I was woken by a door banging in the wind.风吹得门砰砰作响,把我惊醒了。I was woken up by someone grabbing hold of my sleeping bag.有人猛地抓住了我的睡袋,把我惊醒了。She had woken even earlier than usual.她比平时醒得还早。I was woken by a ring at the door.我被门铃声吵醒了。We were woken in the middle of the night for a long march.我们在半夜被叫醒,进行长途行军。We were woken by a loud banging on the door.我们被重重的敲门声吵醒。He sounded like he'd only just woken up.听他声音好像是刚刚睡醒。We were woken early by the peal of silvery bells.我们一大早就被一阵清脆的铃声吵醒了。




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