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David delivered Holly gratefully into the woman's outstretched arms.戴维满怀感激地把霍莉送进那个女人张开的双臂中。No woman in her right mind would go out with a man like him.脑子正常的女人是不会和他那样的男人约会的。Lady Ainslie is an undemonstrative woman who rarely touches even her own son.安斯利夫人是一个感情不外露的女人,连自己的儿子都很少抚摸一下。My husband left me for another woman.我的丈夫为了另一个女人而离开了我。I'm sure he's got another woman.我敢肯定他另有女人了。The arrival of a taxi was unusual enough; an unknown woman getting out of it was sensational.来了辆出租车就够奇怪的了,从里面出来个陌生女子就更令人感到惊讶。She's the most beautiful woman to ever walk this earth.她是迄今为止天下最美丽的女子。It's about a woman who is forced to relive her past when she discovers her long-lost brother.它讲的是一个女人在找到了失散已久的弟弟后,不得不把过去的经历重新回忆起来的故事。Traveling in the desert, he met a woman standing alone and terribly dejected.在沙漠旅行时他遇见了一个女人,她孤独地站著,非常沮丧。The woman sobbed pitifully, begging to be left alone.这个女人可怜地抽泣着,请求别打扰她。She has gone from being a healthy, fit, and sporty young woman to being a cripple.她从一个健康、强壮、爱好运动的年轻女性变成了一个跛子。A veiled woman gave me a kindly smile.一位戴面纱的女士朝我友好地微笑。She's a highly educated young woman.她是个受过高等教育的青年女性。The young woman's killer has not yet been found.杀害那个年轻女子的凶手尚未找到。Two men and a woman were walking briskly down the sidewalk toward him.两名男子和一名女子正轻快地沿人行道朝他走过去。I lent the old woman my arm as she couldn't walk easily.老妇行走不便,我伸出胳膊让她扶着。Driven to distraction, he murdered the woman who jilted him.他受刺激失去理智,谋杀了抛弃他的那个女人。The only contact she has is with the woman who lives opposite.她唯一有接触的是住在对面的那个女人。A grey-haired woman was sitting at the reception desk.一个灰白头发的女子坐在接待处。She made history by becoming the first British woman prime minister.她因成为英国的第一个女首相而创造了历史。There are men who simply don't like being beaten by a woman.有些男人就是不想被女人打败。The principal was certainly a woman to be reckoned with.校长无疑是一个厉害的女人。Recognizing the dead woman's face, she turned away, nauseated.她认出死去女人的脸,感到一阵恶心,便转过头去。He was tethered to a woman whom he no longer loved.他摆脱不了自己不再爱的女人。She's chosen career advancement instead of having children - does that make her a liberated woman?她没有去生儿育女,而是选择了走职业道路——她这样做是否就成了一位思想解放的女性?A mask, in the character of an old woman, joined them.一个戴著假面具扮演老妇的人加入了他们的行列。An older woman, pink-cheeked and tweedy, appeared in the doorway.一位面色红润、打扮休闲、年纪稍长的妇人出现在门口。Alice was a woman of indomitable spirit.艾丽斯是一个意志坚强的女人。When a woman became pregnant, she was penalized in some way for having to leave the workforce.女性怀孕后就不得不离开工作岗位,从而在某些方面处于不利地位。The police accused the woman of planning a huge armed bank raid in Scotland.警方指控这名女子在苏格兰策划一场大型的银行武装劫案。I'll eat my hat if you ever see that young woman or your money again.你这辈子要是能再见到那个女人或者你的钱,我就把我的名字倒过来写。She had grown from a gauche teenager to a self-assured young woman.她从一个笨嘴拙舌的小姑娘变成一位自信的年轻女性。She was the first woman pilot to be employed by a commercial airline.她是第一位被商业航空公司雇用的女飞行员。The dead woman's face had been battered out of all recognizable shape.那女尸的脸已被毁坏得完全无法辨认了。The woman apparently tried to commit suicide by taking an overdose of a prescription drug.这女人显然是想以过量服用处方药来自杀。The continual noise fretted the woman's nerves.不断的噪声使这女人的神经烦躁不安。Someday I'll meet the right woman and we'll get married.总有一天我会遇到合适的女人,然后我们就结婚。She was a wise old woman, and we all valued her advice.她是位睿智的老妇人,我们都很看重她的忠告。The picture showed a glamorous young woman sitting in a sports car.照片中是一个年轻迷人的女子坐在一辆跑车上。She seemed somehow insubstantial - a shadow of a woman.她好像并不真实存在似的——一个影子般的女人。 |