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The financial assistance given to students is less than adequate.学生得到的财政援助不足。The estate was given to him by a grateful friend in perpetuity.这份地产是一位感恩戴德的朋友赠送给他永远享有的。Massive subsidies and tax incentives were given to encourage the formation of giant industrial complexes.政府为促进建立大型工业园区而给予大量补贴和赋税优惠。Too much coverage is given to sport on TV and not enough to political issues.电视上体育新闻报道太多,而政治问题的报道却不够。In allocating housing, preference is given to families with young children.房屋分配优先照顾有年幼孩子的家庭。He has been given to believe that there may be a future for him and Maria together.他于是相信他和玛丽亚也许还有希望在一起。This drug is given to dogs to control fleas.这种药是用来灭狗身上的跳蚤的。Serious attention is being given to diluting the value of personal tax allowances.人们正密切关注降低个人收入免税额度一事。No countenance was given to this notion.这个观念没有得到任何支持。He's an amiable one, not given to angry kvetching.他这人和蔼可亲,生性不闹脾气发牢骚。Some of the models were given to fits of temperament.有些模情喜怒无常。The commission for the new theatre was given to a well-known architect.新剧院的建筑委托给了一位著名的建筑师。More aid should be given to needy families.应当给贫困家庭更多援助。I am not a prophet, nor am I given to inspired guesses.我不是预言家,也不习惯凭神灵启示去猜想。Much advance publicity was given to the talks.事先对会谈做了大量的宣传。An extra five points will be given to the team that finishes first.最早完成的队将再加五分。The treatment is usually given to women with a high risk of relapse after surgery.这种治疗方法通常针对术后复发风险高的女性。There is a standard procedure for recording drugs given to patients.有一套例行程序记录给病人开了哪些药。Other things being equal, the job would be given to a woman.如果其他条件都一样,这项工作应该交给女性负责。Stricter punishments will be given to those convicted of peddling drugs to children.对于向儿童出售毒品的罪犯,将会加重量刑。The money was given to the museum with the proviso that it is spent on operating costs.那笔钱提供给博物馆,前提条件是必须用于博物馆的营运。Pride of place should be given to the positive characters in a play.剧中的正面人物应该处于显著位置。This recipe was given to me years ago by a farmer's wife.这份食谱是一位农民的妻子几年前给我的。Andy Sinton is not a man given to singing his own praises.安迪·辛顿不是一个惯于吹嘘自我的人。She was sad to have lost a doublet of the earrings given to her by her grandmother.她因掉了她祖母给她的那对耳环中的一只而伤心。A portion of the donations will be given to the orphanage.部分捐款将分发给孤儿院。Afree gift will be given to whoever completes the questionnaire.免费礼品将送给填妥调查表的人。No written instructions were given to the staff involved.没有给相关工作人员以书面指示。War had given to the community a greater sense of togetherness.战争给社区带来了一种更加亲密无间的感觉。Pumpernickel is the generic term given to coarse, rye wholemeal bread.裸麦粗面包是全黑麦粗面包的通称。More freedom and choice will be given to parents, and the school opt-outs will be stepped up.家长将会获得更多的自由和选择权,选择脱离地方政府管辖的学校将会越来越多。I was given to understand that I would be offered a permanent job.我的理解是,我会得到一份固定的工作。Although I received no official indication, I was given to understand that I would be promoted within a year.虽然我没有接到正式通知,但他们让我相信在一年之内我会得到提升。If too much publicity is given to the theft of important works, the works will become too hot to handle and be destroyed.如果重要作品遭窃一事被大肆报道,这些作品就会因为难以转手而被销毁。Very little official information is given to the general public.民众对官方信息知之甚少。Access is only given to authorized personnel.未经授权的人士不得进入。The media has had a giggle making bad puns about the names given to the staff.媒体说过一些恶劣的双关语来取笑职员的绰号。The pretty casket was given to her by her former boyfriend.这个漂亮的首饰盒是她以前的男朋友送给她的。He was seen driving away and his vehicle registration number was given to the police.有人看到他开车跑了,并将他的车牌号码报告了警方。Tax credits given to students are merely a band-aid solution to the rising cost of getting an education.减免学生的课税只是应对教育费用上涨的一个权宜之计。 |