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Family holidays are meant to be a break from routine.家庭假日就是从平淡的日常生活中解脱一下。The plane is meant to be invisible to radar.都说这飞机在雷达上监测不到。I meant the flowers for you, not for your sister.这花我是特意送给你的,不是给你姐姐的。The talks were meant to break down barriers between the two groups.谈判旨在消除双方意见的分歧。A central bank is meant to prevent inflation undershooting as well as overshooting.央行的使命是阻止通货膨胀不足和过度。These laws are meant to produce cleaner air.这些法律旨在使空气更加清新。The measures are meant to stem the tide of illegal immigration.这些措施旨在遏制非法移民潮。We meant for her to come with us.我们想要她和我们一起来。You've got me all wrong, I never meant to hurt you.你误会了,我并非有意要伤害你。I thought our friendship meant something to you. 我以为你会在乎我们的友谊。This allows us to keep the drives as they're meant to be.这使我们能够将围猎路线按计划推进。The letters might not have been meant for me at all.这些信件可能原本就不是写给我的。It was meant to sound like an epoch-making declaration.有意让它听起来像是一个划时代的宣言。The plan is meant to regenerate the economy.这一计划旨在复兴经济。We tried to be happy together but it was never meant to be.我们尽量愉快相处,可那根本是不可能的。Moving away meant separation from his family.搬走就意味着与他的家人分离。The incessant rain has meant that many matches had to be cancelled.连绵的雨意味着许多比赛要被取消。The decor was meant to keep the mind concentrated on the making of money.这样的装饰布局原本是想让人们把注意力集中在如何赚钱上。Heavy rain meant the pitch was waterlogged.大雨意味着球场泡水。I'm sorry, I meant no offence.对不起,我没有冒犯你的意思。I felt in my heart that our relationship was never meant to be.我打心眼里觉得,我们的恋情注定不会有结果。One slip meant a long tumble to the rocks below.一旦滑倒就意味着一路摔滚到下面的石头上。They meant to finish her off, swiftly and without mercy.他们打算干净利落地杀死她,毫不留情。The visit was meant to familiarize students with the library.那次参观是想让学生们熟悉图书馆。You were meant to ask why I was disappointed with the idea.你该问问我对这种想法为什么感到失望。The Bill was not meant to impinge on the rights and fundamental freedom of people.这项法案的本意不是侵犯人们的权利和基本自由。I never meant to hurt your feelings.我从来不想伤害你的感情。The plan was meant to boost agricultural production.该计划旨在提高农业产量。They knew as soon as they met that they were meant to be together.他们刚相见就知道他们注定要在一起。The government has kept its promise to cut taxes, but this has meant cuts in services, too.政府遵守减税的诺言,但这也意味着削减服务。Gail's sudden illness meant that Kathy had to step into the breach.吉尔突然生病,这意味着凯西不得不顶替她。This meant exposing his flanks to his political enemies.这就意味着将他的侧翼暴露在他的政治对手面前。The trial was meant as an advertisement for British justice.这场审判意在为英国司法作宣传。I'm sorry. I meant no disrespect.对不起,我没有不敬之意。The first section is meant to be sung pianissimo.第一节应该轻唱。The actors share fond memories of what Gene meant to them.这些演员都深情怀念吉恩对他们的重要意义。I meant to phone you but I forgot.我本想打电话给你,但是却忘记了。The marriage was meant to cement the alliance between the two countries.这次联姻旨在巩固这两个国家之间的联盟。The test is meant to pinpoint which types of jobs you are suited for.这一测验旨在确定你适合做哪一类工作。I was unsure whether this was meant as an insult or a compliment, but he didn't choose to enlarge on his remark.我拿不准这话算是侮辱还是称赞,但他不肯把话再说得详细些。 |