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词汇 gift
例句 I still have to put gift tags on all the presents.我还得给所有礼物加上礼品签。We went shopping for a gift at the mall.我们去了购物中心买礼物。This is the ideal gift for the man in your life.这是送给你生命中的男人最理想的礼物。Souvenirs can be purchased at the gift shop. = You can purchase souvenirs at the gift shop.在那家礼品店里可以买到纪念品。The car was a gift from her parents.这辆车是她父母给的礼物。Consider this gift a token of my affection/gratitude.把这份礼物看作是我挚爱/感激的象征。She has the gift of prophecy.她有预言的天赋。He took offense when I suggested exchanging the gift.当我建议交换礼物时,他生气了。Can you box this for me? It's a gift.帮我把这个装在盒子里好吗?这是礼品。The money was a gift, not a loan.这钱是赠礼,不是借款。The school had its origin with a large gift from a donor.这所学校是用一位捐赠人的大笔礼金建造的。Most banks offer students a free gift when they open a new account.多数银行在学生开新账户的时候会给他们一份赠品。Business entertainment seems a natural extension of Japan's gift-giving culture.生意上的宴请招待似乎是由日本的送礼文化自然发展而来的。The kids pooled their money to buy their parents a wedding anniversary gift.孩子们把钱凑在一起为父母买了结婚周年礼物。We hope you'll accept this small gift.我们希望你能接受这个小小的礼物。Her Aunt Sally gave her an extravagant gift.萨莉姨妈送给她一件很昂贵的礼物。Adding insult to injury, she threw my gift into the trash.更糟的是她把我的礼物丢进垃圾筒。He was said to have possessed the gift of prophecy.相传他有预言的能力。She received a gift as recompense.作为报酬,她得到了一件礼物。Our child seemed a gift from heaven.我们的孩子就像是上天的恩赐。The gift certificate is redeemable at any store location.礼品券可以在任何实体店兑换礼品。A gift for music runs in that family.那家人都有音乐天赋。It would be silly to look a gift horse in the mouth.对礼物吹毛求疵是愚蠢的。Why not recycle Christmas cards as gift tags?为什么不把圣诞卡用来做礼物标签呢?Your generous gift was manna from heaven.你慷慨的赠予好比天降甘露。He has a real gift for vivid description.他很善于描述,说起事情来活灵活现的。She won't accept the gift if there are strings. 如果有附加条件,她就不会接受礼物。I was specially pleased with your gift.你的礼物让我特别高兴。She's got the gift of the gab - she should work in sales and marketing.她能说会道——她应该去做销售和市场营销工作。The house came to me by gift from an aunt.这所房子是我的一位姑母赠与的。Her sudden arrival was a gift from the gods. 她的突然到来是神赐的礼物。There's a gift shop in the museum.这座博物馆内有一家礼品店。She's compiled a long birthday gift wishlist.她已经列了长长一张她希望得到的生日礼物的清单。Does music gift always run in a family?音乐天赋是不是总会为一家人共有呢? Joan gave me a small gift for my birthday.琼给了我一份小小的生日礼物。I found the perfect gift for you.我给你找到了最如意的礼物。Mozart had a gift for music even when he was very young.莫扎特很小的时候就有音乐天赋。We make a small charge for wrapping your gift.包装礼品要收少许费用。The police opened the package and found not a bomb, but a wallet meant to be someone's gift.警方打开包裹,看到的不是炸弹而是一个皮夹子,该是某人的礼物。We'd like you to accept this gift as a small token of our appreciation.区区薄礼,略表谢意,请笑纳。




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