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词汇 一带而过
例句 This report has barely skimmed the surface of the subject.报告对这个问题一带而过She discus sale, but slide over the problem of how to increase production.她谈论了销售情况,却对增加生产的问题一带而过I want to pass over this quite quickly.这一点我想一带而过The report notes the incident only in passing.报道对这个事件只是一带而过He skated warily around the subject once or twice.他有一两次谨慎地将这个话题一带而过In his speech he mentioned her contributions almost as an aside, despite the fact that she was the one who came up with the idea originally.在他的演说中他几乎把她的贡献当作题外话一带而过,尽管是她最初提出这一想法的。He mentioned her in passing but I didn't think anything of it at the time.他提及她时一带而过,而我当时也没多想。Her contributions were mentioned only in passing. 在讲到她所做的贡献时只是一带而过I didn't understand what the teacher said about prepositions, because she only skated over it.我不明白老师所讲的关于介词的内容,因为她只是一带而过讲了一下。




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