例句 |
Well, if you get tired of life in the city, you can always come back home.好吧,如果你过腻了城里的生活,随时可以回家来。You get tired of eating the same old thing for breakfast.早餐总吃一样的东西让人厌烦。When you get tired of driving, I'll trade off with you. = When you get tired of driving, we can trade off. 你要是开车开累了,我来换你。She never gets tired of their music.她对他们的音乐百听不腻。People get tired of a man who is always blowing his own horn.人们对老是吹牛的人感到厌烦。I figured he'd get tired of it in a few days.我想过不了几天他就会对它感到厌倦的。 |