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词汇 安德烈
例句 Andrea's father was an absolute sadist. It's not surprising she hates him.安德烈娅的父亲绝对是个施虐狂,难怪她恨他。No knock on Andre Reed, but that's not what I want to be.安德烈·里德让人挑不出什么毛病,但我不想成为那种人。Andre Agassi accepted a wild card to play in the Stockholm Open.安德烈·阿加西持外卡参加了斯德哥尔摩公开赛。Andrei told me your phone was tapped and there are always watchers in this hotel.安德烈告诉我说,你的电话被窃听了,还说这家宾馆里一直装有监视器。Andrea took some time off from teaching when her children were small.安德烈娅在她的孩子还小时有一段时间没去教书。Andrea still feels a lot of anger towards her mom, who left when she was a little girl.安德烈娅还在怨恨她妈妈在她很小的时候就离开了她。Andrea was delighted at the chance to go to the Bolshoi ballet.安德烈娅有机会加入波修瓦芭蕾舞团,感到欣喜若狂。André Etienne came in first, having completed the course in record time.安德烈·艾蒂安赢得第一,以有史以来最快的时间跑完了全程。Andrea has medium brown hair, grey eyes and very pale skin.安德烈娅有着深浅适中的棕发、灰色的眼睛和十分白皙的皮肤。Andrea gave her son a sound spanking.安德烈娅给了儿子结结实实一顿打。Andrea has medium brown hair.安德烈娅有着中等长度的棕发。Top players like Andre Agassi earn millions of dollars.安德烈·阿加西这样的顶尖选手可以赚到几百万美元。André reached for her hand and kissed it with a flourish.安德烈伸手拉过她的手,自信地吻了一下。Andrea was a great civilizing influence on her husband.安德烈娅使她的丈夫变得有教养了许多。A series of arrows points the way to the modest grave of Andrei Sakharov.一连串的箭头指示着通往安德烈·萨哈罗夫的朴素的墓地的路。He partnered Andre Agassi to victory.他和安德烈·阿加西搭档取得胜利。André's got a new job, the lucky devil.安德烈有了新工作,这个幸运的家伙。Andrea's work has always been neat and tidy, if nothing else.安德烈娅的工作至少一直都是利索而有条不紊的。I've been friends with Andrea for about 10 years.我和安德烈娅成为朋友已大约十年了。Andrea smiled at Jamie, communicating her affection for him with her eyes.安德烈娅向杰米微笑,眼神中传达了对他的爱意。




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