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词汇 安德鲁
例句 Andrew threshed the matter out with the help of his friends.安德鲁在朋友们的帮助下反复推敲终于解决了那件事。Andrew describes her as a large, bony and masculine woman.安德鲁说她是一个瘦骨嶙峋、男人模样的大块头女人。Andrew now came almost weekly to call.现在安德鲁几乎每星期都来。Andrew made a clumsy attempt to kiss her, but she pushed him away.安德鲁笨手笨脚地想亲她,可被她推开了。She asked me to go to the cinema with her and Andrew, I think as a sort of chaperone.她要我跟她和安德鲁去看电影,我想是让我去做年长女伴。I couldn't find Andrew's phone number.我找不到安德鲁的电话号码。It's the sort of program Andrew could write standing on his head.写这种程序对于安德鲁而言是小菜一碟。Andrew roared with delight when he heard Rachel's nickname for the baby.安德鲁听到雷切尔给婴儿起的绰号时,不禁高兴得大笑起来。Andrew arrived late, as usual.安德鲁一如往常,又迟到了。Andrew, can you help me install this software?安德鲁,你能帮我安装这个软件吗?Andrew scribbled a quick note and handed it to the chairman.安德鲁匆匆地写了一张便条交给主席。Andrew rushed out of the house, shouting for help.安德鲁冲出屋子,大声呼救。Julia Samuel was one of Prince Andrew's old flames.朱莉娅·塞缪尔是安德鲁王子的旧欢之一。Edward wore Andrew's hand-me-downs.爱德华穿安德鲁穿过的旧衣服。I do the cooking and Andrew does the shopping; it's an excellent system.我做饭,安德鲁购物,这个办法很好。Andrew Kirkham will be her successor as Chief Executive.安德鲁・柯卡姆将接替她成为首席执行官。Andrew claims the tragedy has not left a mark and says that he has done his best to move on.安德鲁表示,这一悲剧没有造成长远影响,并说他已竭力继续前进。Andrew videoed us skiing down the mountains.安德鲁拍摄了我们从山上滑雪下来的录像。Andrew had egged his nephew on into the navy.安德鲁曾劝说他的侄儿参加海军。She moved towards Andrew, seeking his arm for support.她移向安德鲁,想借他的胳膊撑一撑。Andrew's just out for a good time.安德鲁很想享乐一番。Andrew is fixing some shelves in the bedroom.安德鲁正在卧室里安装一些架子。Have you heard? Katie's splitting up with Andrew!你听说了吗?凯蒂和安德鲁分手了!They lifted Andrew onto the bed.他们把安德鲁抬到床上。Furious, Andrew scowled down at her.安德鲁怒气冲冲地瞪着她。Go and say sorry to your mother, Andrew.去向你母亲赔个不是,安德鲁Christopher accused me of mollycoddling Andrew.克里斯托弗指责我太宠着安德鲁Andrew was on his well-trodden path to conquering another willing lady.安德鲁在用他惯用的手法征服又一个心甘情愿的小姐。Andrew couldn't help noticing that she coloured slightly.安德鲁不由得注意到她的脸微微泛红。Don't ask Andrew, he won't know.不要问安德鲁,他不会知道的。Corporal Andrew Satchell ceremonially rolled up the flag of the Royal Regiment of Fusiliers.安德鲁·塞切尔下士按照仪式卷起皇家燧发枪手团的旗帜。Andrew's apartment is always so tidy.安德鲁的房间总是这么整洁。Andrew now disowns that statement, saying he was depressed when he made it.安德鲁现在推翻了那个说法,说那是自己在情绪低落时说的话。It became clear after talking to him that Andrew wasn't going to cooperate.跟他谈了之后就清楚了,安德鲁不会合作。Andrew remained firm in his belief that the policy was wrong.安德鲁仍坚定地认为这项方针是错的。Andrew roared with delight.安德鲁高兴地大笑起来。Andrew began to carve the chicken.安德鲁开始切鸡肉。Andrew was very excited about becoming a father.安德鲁当了父亲非常激动。If I could just make a suggestion - why don't we invite Andrew to our next meeting?如果我可以提个建议的话,我们何不邀请安德鲁参加我们的下一次会议?There was a resounding slap as Andrew struck him violently across the face.安德鲁狠狠掴了他一巴掌,声音响亮干脆。




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