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词汇 anti-government
例句 Students used the death of political activists as a rallying point for anti-government protests.学生们利用政治活动家的遇害号召大家进行反政府抗议活动。The two men were convicted of distributing anti-government leaflets.这两个人因为派发反政府传单而被判罪。He was recently freed after serving a sentence for leading anti-government riots.他因领导反政府骚乱服刑,最近获释。An anti-government riot was promptly quelled by soldiers using guns and teargas.一场反政府的暴乱迅即被士兵们用枪和催泪弹镇压了下去。The pirate radio station broadcasts anti-government propaganda.非法广播电台散播了反政府的言论。Four days of unrest and anti-government riots left at least three people dead.为期四天的骚乱和反政府暴乱造成至少三人死亡。His speech was spiced with anti-government sentiment.他的讲话里掺进了反对政府的情绪。An anti-government mood pervaded much of the country.全国许多地方流行着一种反政府情绪。The UNO has firmly distanced itself from the anti-government movement.联合国组织坚决不介入反政府运动。He once engaged in anti-government activity.他一度从事反政府的活动。This policy served only to quicken anti-government feeling.这项政策只会加剧人们的反政府情绪。The Prime Minister has called for national unity in the face of the violent anti-government protests.面对强烈的反政府抗议,首相呼吁全国团结一致。Mr Cramer said the violence by anti-government protestors was reprehensible.克拉默先生说反政府示威者的暴力活动应该受到谴责。We need people now for the anti-government march. Are you with us or against us?我们现在需要有人来参加反政府示威游行,你是支持还是反对我们?Young men risked their lives to daub buildings with anti-government slogans.年轻人冒着生命危险在建筑物上涂写反政府标语。Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans in the square.示威者在广场上呼喊反政府口号。The riots were orchestrated by anti-government forces.骚乱是由反政府势力策划的。Demonstrators chanted anti-government slogans.示威者反复喊着反政府的口号。Riots erupted in the capital after police banned two anti-government demonstrations.警方禁止两起反政府示威游行后,首都爆发了骚乱。Any anti-government protest was swiftly crushed.任何反对政府的抗议活动都被迅速镇压下去。




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