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词汇 pounce
例句 The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings or mistakes.民主党人随时准备揪出共和党人的过失或错误。He is ready to pounce at the phone when it rings.电话铃一响,他马上就会冲过去抓起听筒。Movie studios are ready to pounce as soon as she announces that she's making movies again.她一宣布要再次拍戏,制片商们就蜂拥而至。They looked furtively to right and left as if afraid that someone would pounce upon them.他们偷偷向左右张望,好像怕什么人会冷不防向他们袭来。The police were waiting to pounce when he arrived at the airport.他到达机场时,警方正等着抓他。He crouched on the ground, like an animal ready to pounce.他蹲伏在地上,就像一头野兽准备随时扑出去。The Democrats were ready to pounce on any Republican failings.民主党人随时准备揪出共和党人的任何过失。Local politicians are quick to pounce on any trouble.地方上的那些政客们动辄抓住问题不放。He knows that his critics are waiting to pounce on any slip that he makes.他知道他的批评者们正等着揪住他的任何差错。Fraud squad officers had bugged the phone and were ready to pounce.反诈骗小组的警员们已在电话上安装了窃听器,并随时准备突击。She had a fanciful notion that germs were waiting to pounce on her.她产生一个离奇的念头,觉得细菌正在伺机向她扑过来。I think if she were given the opportunity to work here, she'd pounce on it.我觉得如果给她机会在这里工作,她会欣然接受的。Teachers are quick to pounce on students' grammatical errors.老师一眼就能看出学生的语法错误,绝不放过。The cat crouched low and waited for the moment to pounce.这只猫低低地蜷伏着,等待时机扑上前。




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