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Jo spent the day pottering around the house and garden.乔那天在房子和花园周围悠哉悠哉地干活儿。She liked to stay outside, pottering in her garden.她喜欢待在外面,摆弄花园里的花花草草。He spent his vacation pottering around the house/garden.假期里,他在家/花园里干些轻松琐碎的活儿。Bad weather found him pottering around the house.雨天,他在家里各处做些琐碎的工作。I was perfectly happy just pottering around doing up my flat.我特别愿意悠然自得地收拾公寓。Cabin cruisers are suitable for a pleasant few hours just pottering about.舱式游艇适合悠闲地消磨几个小时的时光。A man with a camera was pottering along studying the boats.一个拿着相机的人正不紧不慢地走着,研究这些船只。Dad was pottering about in the garden.爸爸在花园里四处捣鼓着什么。Ispent the morning pottering about in the garden.我上午在花园里随便干了些轻松的活儿。I was perfectly happy just pottering about doing up my flat.我非常喜欢悠然自得地收拾公寓。 |