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If the Government wants to save the Pound it should start by strengthening the British economy.如果政府想挽救英镑,就应该首先加强英国的经济。Pound the mixture into a coarse powder.把混合物捣成粗粉。The Pound would be devalued, we were told.我们被告知英镑将会贬值。Pound the spices down to a pulp.把香料捣烂。Pound the garlic and salt together.把大蒜放盐捣碎。Pound up the mince in a mortar.在臼中把肉馅捣烂。Professor Mackay will give a seminar on Pound's poetry.麦凯教授将开设关于庞德诗歌的研讨课。The Pound plunged to a new low on the foreign exchange markets yesterday.昨天在外汇市场上英镑骤跌至新低。Eliot appreciated Pound's caustic wit.艾略特很欣赏庞德锋锐的机智。 |