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Mr Brown takes geography on Wednesdays.布朗先生每星期三讲授地理课。The geography paper was really easy.地理试卷真容易。She's studying history and geography.她在学历史和地理。History and geography have conspired to bring Greece to a moment of decision.历史和地理因素共同将希腊推至作出抉择的紧要关头。We have to choose between doing geography or studying another language.我们得在学地理还是学另一门语言间作选择。His knowledge of geography is negligible.他的地理知识少得可怜。He leads his class in geography.他在班上地理课学得最好。He taught geography at the local secondary school.他在当地中学教授地理。I was working on a term paper for a geography class.我正在写地理课的学期论文。He walked his geography exam.他轻而易举地通过了地理考试。Students today seem to know very little about geography.如今的学生似乎对地理知识了解得很少。I cannot remember the geography of the ship.我记不起那艘船的布局了。I adored history and hated geography.我喜欢历史,讨厌地理。Climate and geography are the underlying reasons for the region's low level of economic development.气候和地理因素是该地区经济发展水平低下的根本原因。The geography class has taken a trip to Wales.地理班去威尔士旅行了。Take a map with you as you are not familiar with the local geography.因为你不熟悉当地的地理,带上张地图吧。She got very high marks in her geography exam.她的地理考试得分很高。The geography paper is not till next week.地理试卷下周才能印好。The test might include some questions about geography.考试有可能包括一些与地理有关的问题。His mark in the geography paper pulled him up several places.他的地理考分使他的名次提前了好几个档次。The geography of the flats made it hard to get to know our neighbours.这些公寓的布局使得我们邻里之间很难认识。I have smattered law, letters and geography.法律、文学、地理我都学过点皮毛。It's impossible to figure out the geography of this hospital.没有办法弄清楚这家医院的布局。I've got a geography test tomorrow.明天我有一个地理测验。The geography teacher drew a map of America, upon which to exercise the class.地理老师画了一张美国地图,用它来让全班学生作练习。The American continent's geography severely limited the lines of attack.美洲大陆的地形严重限制了进攻路线。Housing development is limited by the geography of the valley.住房的建造受到山谷地形的限制。In the past, the region had been protected by its forbidding geography and the extremities of its climate.过去,这个地区令人生畏的地理条件和极端的天气状况使它受到保护。He made a careful study of the geography of the province.他仔细研究了该省的地形。A country's choice of export products is dictated by geography, climate, and natural resources.一个国家出口什么样的产品由地理条件、气候条件及自然资源而定。With a fine disregard for geography, she decided to drive to the island.她完全不考虑地理因素,决定开车去那个岛。The project has involved collaboration with the geography department.该项目需要与地理系合作。It was just when geography was really beginning to change and lots of new ideas were coming in.那时正是地理学真正开始发生改变、许多新观念兴起的时候。She was top of the class in geography.她的地理成绩在班里名列前茅。 |