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He must anticipate the manoeuvres of the other lawyers and beat them at their own game.他必须预见到其他律师的策略,然后以彼之道击败他们。We had one or two difficulties along the way that we didn't anticipate.在进行的过程中,我们遇到一两个没有预料到的难题。I don't anticipate any future problems in that regard.我不期望将来在那方面出现任何问题。Officials anticipate that rivalry between leaders of the various drug factions could erupt into full scale war.官员们预计各个毒品团伙头目之间的对抗可能会引发一场全面的冲突。The organizers of the fair anticipate a large crowd.这个交易会的主办单位预料会有很多人前来。It is impossible to anticipate when it will happen.不可能预料这事何时发生。We anticipate our overall farm production next year to be lower.我们预计明年的农业总产量会降低。We don't anticipate any trouble.我们不希望出现任何问题。I did not anticipate having to pay for your ticket.我没有预料到得出钱给你买票。Stores are urged to anticipate normal requirements and avoid last minute fill-ins.有关方面力促各商店预测顾客的正常需要,以免到了最后一分钟才临时补充缺货。The schedule isn't final, but we don't anticipate many changes.日程没有最后定下来,但是我们预料不会有许多变化。The boxer tried to anticipate his opponent's next move.拳击手想要预判对手的下一个动作。She stirred in bed as if to anticipate the alarm clock.她在床上动了动身子,仿佛是要赶在闹钟铃声之前起来。US investors anticipate that the Deutschmark will, in the long term, depreciate relative to the dollar.美国投资者预计从长远看,德国马克兑美元会贬值。A good speaker is able to anticipate an audience's needs and concerns.好的演讲者能够预先考虑到听众的需求以及他们关注的事。He has no title to anticipate our support.他没有资格期望我们的支持。It's always best to anticipate a problem before it arises.防患于未然永远都是最明智之举。The President did not anticipate any need to activate the allies' rapid reaction force.总统不曾预见到需要动用盟军快速反应部队。They do not anticipate any major problems during construction.他们预测在修建过程中不会有什么大问题。What Jeff did was to anticipate my next question.杰夫所做的就是胸有成竹地等着我提问下个问题。The businesses that will survive will be those that anticipate changes in technology.生存下来的将是那些预先为科技变化做好准备的公司。I think we've fixed everything, and I don't anticipate finding any more problems.我想,我们一切都搞定了,我不认为还会有什么问题。No employees of the firm are allowed to anticipate their salary.这家商行不允许雇员提前支用薪金。We don't anticipate any problems.我们预料不会有问题。By looking ahead, management are then in a good position to anticipate potential problems.向前看,那么管理层就处于一个有利位置,可以防患未然。Don't anticipate the climax of the story.别抢先把故事的高潮抖出来。People who cope successfully with difficult situations usually look ahead and anticipate the circumstances.能成功应付困境的人一般都会向前看,预计未来情况。Do you expect your partner to anticipate your needs?你是否期望你的伴侣不等你提出就主动满足你的需要? |