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词汇 房间有
例句 This room smells slightly fusty - I think I'll open a window.这个房间有些霉味——我觉得应该打开一扇窗户。I could hear someone crying in the next room.我能听见隔壁房间有人在哭。I could hear a furious argument going on in the next room.我能听到隔壁房间有人在激烈地争吵。The rooms have a baronial feel, with oak panelling and leather sofas.这些房间有栎木镶板和真皮沙发,给人以富丽堂皇的感觉。The room has a warm, cosy feel.这个房间有一种温暖舒适的感觉。The rooms communicate through a secret passage.这些房间有暗道相互连通。I could hear muffled voices in the next room.我听到隔壁房间有低沉的说话声。All of the rooms have private baths, and most have radios and TV.所有房间都自带浴室,大部分房间有收音机和电视机。I wanted different moods in each room.我想让每个房间有不同的氛围。These rooms have doors opening directly on to the garden.这些房间有门可以直接通往花园。I could hear raised voices in the next room.我听到隔壁房间有人在大声嚷嚷。This room has a very nasty smell.房间有一股很难闻的气味。The room had a balcony facing the sea.这个房间有个朝海的阳台。The large windows give the room an open feeling.大窗户使房间有一种很宽敞的感觉。The room had a musty smell.这个房间有股霉味。The room has a recess designed to hold bookshelves.这个房间有个壁凹,是为放书架而设计的。The hotel room was a little impersonal.该酒店的房间有点儿缺乏人情味。My hotel room had a shower but no bathtub.我的酒店房间有淋浴间但没有浴缸。We heard a bump from the next room.我们听见隔壁房间有东西掉在地上的声音。The room had the elegance of a bygone era.这个房间有着旧时代的优雅。The two rooms connect by a hallway.这两个房间有过道相连。Sorry, the room's in a bit of a mess.真不好意思,房间有点儿乱。He has his own mini-refrigerator in his room.在他的房间有一只自用的小冰箱。These rooms have doors opening directly to the garden.这些房间有门直通花园。 Does our hotel room have cable?我们旅馆的房间有有线电视吗?The rooms had the clean earthy smell of wet clay.这些房间有湿黏土散发出来的清新泥土气息。The room was decorated with pictures of vaudeville celebrities.这个房间有轻歌舞剧明星的照片装饰。




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