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词汇 房间内
例句 Our hotel room was crawling with bugs and roaches.我们住的旅馆房间内满是臭虫和蟑螂。The room held the faint, sweet odour of pipe tobacco.房间内有烟斗烟丝的淡淡香味。She cracked open the door and peeked into the room.她打开一条门缝,向房间内窥视。The room should be kept at an even temperature.房间内应保持恒温。The dim, familiar confines of the room grew clearer as my eyes adjusted to the indoor darkness.随着我的眼睛适应了室内的黑暗,房间内昏暗、熟悉的一切变得清楚起来。There was nothing in the room but a table, a chair, and a dim lamp.房间内除了一张桌子、一把椅子和一盏昏暗的灯以外,什么都没有。The room was completely bare except for a bed against the wall.房间内除了墙边放着一张床之外空无一物。With the door shut, the room was hot and humid.门关着,房间内非常闷热。The stolen jewels were found in his room; thereupon he was put in jail.被窃的珠宝在他房间内查出,于是他被关进监狱。The images were enlarged to the size of a wall of a room.这些图像被放大到跟房间内一面墙一样大。Jones claimed that the President made unwanted sexual advances towards her, in a Little Rock hotel room.琼斯称总统在小石城一家酒店的房间内对她性骚扰。There were hidden microphones in the room to record their conversation.房间内有隐藏的话筒记录他们的对话。Papers and books lay around the room in complete chaos.房间内到处堆放着报纸和书,简直乱七八糟。There will be two slide projectors and screens in the room.房间内将放置两套配有银幕的幻灯机。There was a complimentary bottle of champagne in the hotel room.旅馆房间内有一瓶免费赠送的香槟。There was such a crush in the room that no one could move.房间内挤得水泄不通,谁也无法动弹。The crowded room was filled with lights, cameras, and inquisitive reporters.拥挤的房间内挤满了照明灯、照相机和爱打听的记者。Everything in the room was out of place.房间内所有东西都移了位。Honeymooners receive a complimentary bottle of champagne in their hotel room.度蜜月的新婚夫妇在下榻的旅馆房间内收到一瓶赠送的香槟酒。




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