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词汇 gazed
例句 The hawk gazed down from its airy perch.老鹰从高高的栖枝向下凝视。He gazed reflectively at his companion.他盯着自己的同伴,若有所思。He was from the same mould as the men she had gazed at worshipfully when a child: rich, handsome, of impeccable social standing.他富有、英俊、有无可挑剔的社会地位,是她孩提时就仰慕的那种男人。Amy stood riveted to the spot and gazed at the entrance.艾美一动不动站在那里,并紧盯著入口。They gazed into each other's eyes.他们直视着对方。She gazed at his reflection in the lake, listening to his words.她凝视着他倒映在湖中的影子,一面听他讲话。Laura gazed absently out of the window.劳拉出神地看着窗外。He gazed at her lovingly.他深情地望着她。Sitting in his wicker chair, he gazed reflectively at the fire.他坐在柳条椅上,若有所思地凝视着炉火。The dog gazed at us lugubriously for a few minutes.那只狗悲伤地盯着我们看了几分钟。She gazed at him in mute appeal.她凝视着他,目光里带着无声的恳求。He gazed out at the star-spangled night sky.他凝望着外面星光闪烁的夜空。Kate gazed at the statue with awe.凯特凝视着塑像,心里满是崇敬。She gazed in appreciation at the scene.她赞赏地看着这景色。He gazed steadily into the distance.他凝视着远方。We gazed at it in childlike wonder.我们天真好奇地注视着它。She gazed in awe at the great stones.她惊叹地盯着那些巨石。He gazed out at the beautiful landscape.他凝目远眺美丽的风景。Her eyes dulled and she gazed blankly.她眼神暗淡,呆呆地凝视着。He gazed at me with a sharp, penetrating look that made my heart pound.他的目光敏锐而犀利,看得我心里怦怦直跳。I gazed at her in admiration.我钦佩地注视着她。She gazed at him with wide deep blue eyes.她深蓝色的大眼睛凝视着他。She gazed at us from beneath the brim of her hat.她透过帽檐下方注视着我们。Molly turned away and gazed off into space, a faraway look in her eyes.莫莉转过脸去茫然瞪视,眼神似已飘到了远方。He gazed out across the fields.他放眼整片旷野。Jack gazed unseeing out of the window.杰克心不在焉地望着窗外。She gazed steadily into his face.她盯着他的脸看。Laurie gazed out over a dreary landscape of factories and parking lots.劳里望着外面一片单调乏味的景色,全是工厂和停车场。He gazed at her in awe.他敬畏地看著她。They gazed at each other, their legs entwined under the table.他们四目相对,腿在桌子下面缠在一起。She gazed up at the stone obelisk.她仰视着那座石制方尖碑。He gazed at her with admiration.他赞赏地凝视着她。He gazed at me with those intense blue eyes.他用那双深邃的蓝眼睛凝视着我。They gazed up at us hopefully.他们满怀希望地仰头注视着我们。She gazed at the body with almost clinical detachment.她以一种近乎超然的态度盯着那具尸体。He gazed at her intensely.他目光炽热地注视着她。She gazed adoringly at him.她含情脉脉地凝视着他。He gazed at the street with dull, glassy eyes.他呆滞、无神的双眼凝视著那街道。She gazed downwards.她向下凝视。They gazed dewily into each other's eyes.他们纯真地彼此凝视。




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