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例句 Test to see if the finish is tacky.看看最后一道漆干了没有。No one is to see the document without the permission of the writer of the report.未经报告作者许可,任何人不得查看该文件。Mrs Welland reminded her son that they still had several people to see.韦兰太太提醒她的儿子他们还有几个人要拜访。It really makes me cross to see people dropping litter in the street.看到人们在大街上乱扔垃圾,我非常生气。I will make it my business to see that the money is paid promptly.我将负责督促即时付款。He liked pulling apart equipment to see how it worked.他喜欢拆卸设备来探察该设备如何运转。I hope to see you there but, if not, I'll call you.我希望在那里能见到你,如果没有的话,我会给你打电话的。Scroll down to see when the website was last updated.往下移,看看该网站最后更新日期。Many satellite broadcasts are encoded so that they can only be received by people who have paid to see them.许多卫星传送的节目都是加密的,只有付费的用户才能收看。I went to see the doctor about my cough but she said there was nothing wrong with me.我咳嗽去看医生,可她说我没什么事。I'd prefer not to see my ex-wife - it will just open old wounds.我还是不见前妻为好,那样只会揭开旧疮疤。He stopped and watched with amusement to see the child so absorbed.他停下来,饶有兴趣地看着孩子如此投入。I finally got to see them in concert.我终于有机会在音乐厅见到他们。It was heartening to see him looking so happy.看见他这么开心真令人鼓舞。It'll be so nice to see Ruth again, and if she can bring the children along, all the better.真高兴可以再次见到鲁思,如果她能把孩子一起带来就更好了。People were straining their necks to see the fight.人们伸长脖子看打架。I couldn't get close enough to see what was happening.我无法走得太近,看不到发生了什么事。It does me good to see a cheerful face.看到一张愉快的脸让我感觉很好。He came to see that he was mistaken.他终于明白自己错了。You should try on the dress to see if it fits.你应该试穿一下那条连衣裙,看合不合身。One of the men is here to see you, sir.有一个士兵来找你,长官。We stared up at the heavens trying to see the comet.我们仰望天空想看到彗星。Gibbons failed to see the commercial value of his discovery.吉本斯没有意识到自己的发现所具有的商业价值。It was so painful to see how frail she had become in just a few months.看到她在仅仅几个月内就变得那么瘦弱,真令人痛心。We want to see an intensification of international pressure on him.我们希望看到国际社会进一步对他施压。These new discoveries will allow us to see far into the past.这些新发现将能使我们看到遥远的过去。It grieved me to see the poor man in such distress.看到这个穷人如此困苦,我很伤心。He called to see if we would be home tonight.他打电话看我们今晚在不在家。It's too bad that you can't come to see Mark in his school play.你不能来看马克在学校的戏剧演出,太遗憾了。She is remarkable and I'd like to see her remain hale and hearty for years yet.她身体状况非常好,我希望她身子骨能一直这么硬朗。We went to see a movie last night. = We went to a movie last night.昨晚我们去看电影了。It grieves me to see her like this.看到她这样我很伤心。After a leisurely lunch, we went to see a movie.悠闲地用过午餐后,我们去看了一场电影。I'll come to see you someday.将来我还会来看你的。We used to see quite a lot of his wife, Carolyn.我们以前经常见到他的妻子卡罗琳。Ramos admitted he was sentimental about his old school and was sad to see it torn down.拉莫斯承认他对老学校依依不舍,看到它被拆除心中很悲伤。Ten million people regularly tune in to see his show.上千万人定期收看他的表演。People come from north and south to see the performance.人们从四面八方赶来观看演出。What we would like to see is more realistic policies and less Labour Party spin.我们希望看到的是更多现实的政策,少些工党的舆论导向。She was the last person to see him alive.她是最后一个见到他还活着的人。




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