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词汇 to seed
例句 The primroses should begin to seed themselves down the steep hillside.报春花应该开始沿着陡峭的山坡一路撒播种子了。Cutting weeds before they go to seed will greatly reduce future weed problems.在杂草结籽前将其剪除会极大地减少将来的杂草问题。Farmers will be able to seed it directly, rather than having to transplant seedlings.农民将能够直接播种,而不用移种秧苗。His lettuces have gone to seed.他种的莴苣已结籽。The old central bus station is going to seed.这座老中央公共汽车站日益破败。When I got back, my land had gone to seed.当我回来时,我的土地已荒芜了。His lettuces have run to seed.他种的莴苣已结籽。After he retired, he really went to seed.退休之后,他真的变得不修边幅了。In hot weather lettuces can suddenly run to seed.在炎热的天气下,莴苣会在很短的时间内开花结籽。If unused, winter radishes run to seed in spring.如果不去动的话,冬萝卜会在春天开花结籽。The plant runs to seed rapidly in hot weather.这种植物在炎热的天气里结籽很快。He let himself go to seed after he lost his job.他失业后就颓废了。The athlete has really gone to seed.这个运动员确是在走下坡路了。The flowers will go to seed and spread.这些花儿将要结籽,传播种子。




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