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词汇 to search
例句 The shepherd went to search for some sheep that had strayed.牧羊人去寻找一些走失的羊。Friends and neighbours joined police officers to search for clues.朋友和邻居也一起协助警察查找线索。Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the underwater cave.他们顾不上考虑时间或任何其他因素就开始寻找水下洞穴。The customs officials may want to search your bags.海关官员可能要检查你的旅行袋。It was too dark to search further.天太暗,无法继续寻找。The police helicopter was scrambled to search for the missing man.警用直升机接到命令紧急起飞去搜寻失踪人员。The general manager promised to search into the matter.总经理答应深入调查此事。The police spread out to search the area faster.警察分散开来以便更迅速地搜查这个地区。Helicopters continued to search for others who had climbed trees to escape from the flood waters.直升机继续搜寻其他为躲避洪水而爬到树上去的人。It forces you to search your memory for the right answer.这迫使你为了正确答案而冥思苦想。The FBI barged through the gates, demanding to search the plant for evidence.联邦调查人员冲过几道大门,要求在工厂内搜寻证据。They spread out to search the whole area.他们散开来搜查整个地区。My ideal was to search out the best scientists and back them.我的理想是找到最优秀的科学家并支持他们。You can use a directory service to search for people on the Internet.你可以利用因特网的目录服务搜索人名。Extra police officers have been drafted in to search for evidence.已经增派了警力来寻找证据。The FBI barged through the gates, demanding to search the plant for evidence.联邦调查局的探员破门而入,要求在工厂内搜寻证据。Divers went down to search the wreck.潜水员下水去寻找残骸。His first task was to search them for weapons.他的首要任务就是搜查他们身上是否携带武器。Many people want jobs. They try to search them out every day.许多人都想有份工作。他们每天努力寻找。The police must obtain a warrant from a judge in order to search a house.警察必须从法官处取得搜查令才可搜查房子。Are you going out to search for it at this time of night? It seems hardly sensible.你打算夜里这个时候出去找吗?这好像不那么明智。She began to search the room then suddenly she stopped.她开始搜查房间,接着突然停了下来。A plane was detached to search for survivors.派飞机去搜索幸存者。We have a warrant to search the house for drugs.我们有进这所房子搜查毒品的搜查令。Customs officers use specially trained dogs to search for drugs.海关官员用经过特别训练的狗来搜寻毒品。The new law empowered the police to search private houses.新的法律使警察得以搜查私人住宅。Alice bent to search through a heap of clothes.艾丽斯弯腰在一大堆衣服中翻找。He had a brain scan to search for possible damage.他做了个脑扫描检查是否有损伤。The search party spread out to search the surrounding fields.搜索队分头搜查周围的田野。His confronting me forced me to search for the answers.他对我的当面质询迫使我思索如何作答。People need to search out the treatments that work best for them.人们需要找出对他们来说最有效的治疗方法。The money enabled her to hire a private detective to search for evidence that would clear him.这些钱能让她雇一个私人侦探,帮助他寻找证据洗清罪名。Heedless of time or any other consideration, they began to search the room.他们顾不上考虑时间和其他因素就开始搜查房间。The software allows you to search thousands of sites at the same time.这款软件可让你同时检索成千上万个网站。We were too tired to search out extra blankets.我们太累了,不愿意再去翻几条毯子出来。I keep my right to sue out my habeas corpus at common law,if you still want to search my bag.如果你坚持要搜查我的包,我将保留向法院申请获得习惯法规定的人身保护权。




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