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词汇 to scream
例句 A few of the children began to scream, and soon they were all caught up in the hysteria.其中几个孩子开始尖叫,很快他们都变得歇斯底里。She opened her mouth to scream.她张嘴尖叫。Very early in life when the baby feels the pangs of hunger, she learns to scream.当新生儿感到饥饿时,就学会了喊叫。She wanted to scream, but her vocal cords seemed paralysed.她想尖叫,但她的声带好像不听使唤了。The woman, close to hysteria, began to scream.那女人快要歇斯底里大发作了,没命地尖声大叫。I am madly angry, so angry I want to scream.我气得不得了,真想大喊大叫。He fought down an impulse to scream.他压制住想要尖叫的冲动。His mouth was a little open, as if he'd started to scream.他的嘴微微张开,似乎是要开始尖叫。He stifled the urge to scream.他抑制住想大叫的冲动。She wanted to scream, but all that would come out was this faint bleat.她想尖叫,但最终只是发出了这么微弱的呻吟。The tension was becoming unbearable, and I wanted to scream.这种紧张我再也忍受不了,真想大声尖叫。The pain is often so bad she wants to scream.剧烈的疼痛常常让她想大声叫喊。The man began to scream horribly.那人开始可怕地尖叫起来。I felt an uncontrollable urge to scream.我感到有一种控制不住的要尖叫的冲动。Lucy keeps on about little things that happened in the past until I want to scream.露西对过去发生的小事唠叨个没完,简直要让我尖叫起来。The attacker was scared away when the woman started to scream.当这妇人开始尖叫时袭击者被吓跑了。I was so bored I wanted to scream.我无聊透了,恨不能大叫几声。Lou prattled on about various trivialities till I wanted to scream.卢就各种芝麻小事唠叨个没完,后来我烦得都想尖叫了。She resisted an urge to scream.她强忍着才没出声尖叫。She cannot sleep and the pain is often so bad she wants to scream.她睡不着觉,常常疼得直想尖叫。The work just keeps on piling up and makes me want to scream.工作不断堆积起来,让我真想尖叫。I was so angry that I wanted to scream. 我气得直想大叫。She wanted out of the jail cell so badly she started to scream.她因为太想离开牢房,便开始尖声叫喊。




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