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词汇 fumes
例句 The city's streets are filthy and choked with exhaust fumes.那座城市的街道肮脏不堪,弥漫着令人窒息的废气。Several firefighters had been overcome by smoke and fumes.有几位消防员被烟气熏倒了。They needed medical treatment after breathing in toxic fumes.他们吸入毒气后需要治疗。The fumes from all fuels are potentially lethal.所有燃料散发出的有毒气体都可能有致命的危险。She became ill shortly after inhaling the fumes.她吸入浓烟后不久就生病了。The distant chimneys of Amsterdam belched out fumes.远处阿姆斯特丹的烟囱冒出了烟雾。The petrol fumes seeped into the cabin.汽油烟雾钻进了船舱。The shelters are designed to resist heat and toxic fumes.这些掩体是用来抗热和抵挡有毒烟雾的。The air is heavily polluted with traffic fumes.车辆尾气严重污染了空气。You must wear goggles and a mask that will protect you against the fumes.为了免受烟雾危害,你必须戴上护目镜和面罩。Several residents of the area were overcome by toxic fumes.该地区有几位居民被毒气熏倒。Clouds of toxic fumes escaped from the chemical plant.一团团有毒气体从化工厂排放出来。Tobacco fumes filled the air in the room.室内的空气中充满了香烟的烟雾。The cracked pipe leaked fumes into the room.那条破裂的管子使烟气泄露到房间里。Cars exhale fumes.汽车散发出烟雾。We were choking on fumes.我们被浓烟呛得喘不过气来。He was almost stifled by the fumes.他差点被烟熏得窒息了。When toxic fumes began to drift toward our homes, we were told to evacuate.当有毒烟雾开始朝我们住宅区方向飘移时,我们被通知撤离。Exhaust fumes come into the car when I switch on the air conditioner.我打开空调,废气就进车里面来了。Sometimes exhaust fumes escape into the vehicle.有时废气会漏到车内。Automobile exhaust fumes are one of the major causes of smog.汽车排出的废气是造成烟雾的主要原因之一。The fire gave off choking fumes.大火冒出呛人的烟雾。Cooking fumes may activate the alarm.烹调时的油烟可能会触发警报器。The fumes made them woozy.烟熏得他们头晕。Try to avoid breathing in the fumes.要尽量避免吸入烟雾。The air was heavily polluted with exhaust fumes.这里的空气被废气严重污染了。Residents have to put up with noxious fumes from the nearby factory.居民们不得不忍受着从附近工厂排出的有毒烟雾。I felt myself being choked by thick, yellow fumes.我感到自己被黄色的浓烟呛得透不过气来。They have been protesting about fumes from a chlorine factory.他们一直在抗议一家氯工厂排放有毒气体。It is dangerous to inhale the fumes produced by these chemicals.吸入这些化学品产生的气体是很危险的。She was gagging on the fumes. 烟味儿呛得她直恶心。A fireman collapsed from the fumes.一个救火员被浓烟熏倒了。The filtration system provides the crew with clean air free from fumes.过滤系统使得全体人员能够呼吸到没有烟雾的清新空气。The air was black with diesel fumes and coal dust.空气中充斥着黑乎乎的柴油烟和煤灰。You shouldn't be breathing those fumes.你不该吸入那些烟气。Many household products give off noxious fumes.很多家用产品散发有害气体。I saw fumes rising from the rubbish dump.我看见垃圾堆冒出烟雾。John Doe died in his bath, asphyxiated by the fumes from a gas water-heater.一名男子死于浴室中,死因是吸入燃气热水器中排出的气体导致窒息。The diesel fumes from the buses are not easily ignored.公共汽车排放的柴油发动机尾气很难视而不见。The fumes from that chemical are highly toxic.那种化学物质产生的气体有剧毒。




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