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词汇 口中
例句 The information had to be dragged out of them.费了半天劲才从他们口中得出这个信息。Just let the chocolate melt in your mouth. It's sheer ecstasy!就让巧克力在你口中融化。那真是美妙的享受!He walked off, tutting to himself.他走开了,口中啧啧不已。The candy melts in your mouth.糖块会在你口中溶化。Cereal dribbled from the baby's mouth.麦片碎屑从婴儿口中落下。The old man shambled out of the room muttering to himself.那个老人蹒跚地走出房间,口中喃喃自语。The police extracted some information from the thief.警察从小偷口中问出了一些情况。Her hand lifted to place a cigarette in her mouth.她抬手把香烟送到口中He slobbered the medicine on his nightclothes.药水从他口中淌到睡衣上。Prezza, as the cheeky young pups call him, had been a ship's steward and union activist.那些目中无人、粗鲁无礼的小青年口中的普雷扎一直在轮船当乘务员,还是工会积极分子。I could taste blood in my mouth.我能感觉到口中的血腥味。The taste in my mouth was sufficiently foul to put me off food.口中的味道令我恶心,吃不下东西。We can't get the name of her accomplice out of her.我们无法从她口中问出同伙的名字。Alison and I had to prize conversation out of him.我和艾莉森只得从他口中撬出谈话内容。A large segment of the population that was surveyed was taking vitamin supplements.接受调查的人口中有很大一部分人都服用维生素补充剂。The magician rapped the hat three times with his wand, said “hocus-pocus” and a rabbit appeared.魔术师用魔杖轻敲了三下帽子,口中念念有词,一只兔子就变出来了。She took out a piece of chewing gum and popped it in her mouth.她掏出一块口香糖,一下子塞进口中The heron waited patiently for the next poor fish to come within reach of his beak.鹭耐心地等待着下一条口中餐游到嘴边。He was unable to extract any information from the men.他没能从那些人口中套到任何信息。His mouth smelled foul with beer.口中有一股难闻的啤酒味。She spooned milk into the baby's mouth.她用汤匙把牛奶舀入婴儿口中The robbers rammed the gag in her mouth.强盗用力将堵嘴物塞进她口中Sammy put his finger and thumb in his mouth and gave a piercing whistle.萨米把食指和大拇指放入口中,吹出尖锐的哨声。Never let it be said that the manager doesn't know how to motivate his players.永远不要成为别人口中那个不知如何激励自己队员的主教练。The families soon discovered that every piece of information had to be dragged out of the authorities.这些家庭很快发现每条消息都得从有关当局口中套出来。The drink left a bitter taste in his mouth.饮料在他口中留下一丝苦味。He leaned over the girl with a leer and she could smell the whisky on his breath.他色迷迷地笑着靠向那女孩,她闻到了他口中的威士忌气味。He stuck a thermometer in her mouth.他把一支体温计放入她口中The word exploded out of Barby's mouth.那话从巴比口中一下子嘣了出来。Coming from him, that's praise indeed!从他口中说出,那是真正的表扬!




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