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例句 Another company to tailor its offering for corporate customers is Choice Hotels.另一家调整自己的产品以便适应集团型客户的公司是精选国际酒店集团。Another idea is to condense water vapor from the atmosphere in the tropics by cooling it with cold ocean water.另一个想法是,用冰凉的海水把热带地区大气中的水蒸气冷却凝结。Another flight would be arranged on Saturday if sufficient demand arose.如果需求量足够大,周六将再安排一趟航班。Another discouragement, for a child without any linguistic ability, was the use of Irish as the medium of instruction in the school.对于没有任何语言能力的孩子而言,另一件使人泄气的事情便是学校里用爱尔兰语教学。Another man in a harness was being lowered from the helicopter.另一个系着保护带的人正从直升机上被放下来。Another store sold the game for a significantly lower price.另一家商店以相对低得多的价格出售此款游戏。Another has been diagnosed borderline psychotic.又一个人被诊断为疑似精神病。Another neat trick is to add lemon peel to the water.另一种妙招是在水里加点儿柠檬皮。Another approach to the problem is described in Chapter 3.这个问题的另一种解决方法在第三章有所阐述。Another cargo plane disgorges dozens of barrels of fuel oil.另一架货运飞机卸下了几十桶燃油。Another hostage, Mary Quinn, escaped from her captor by kicking him in the face.另一个名叫玛丽·奎恩的人质踢中了劫持者的脸得以逃脱。Another man constantly chain-smoked and seemed to have the shakes.另一名男子一直一支接一支地抽烟,似乎身体有些发抖。Another way of making new friends is to go to an evening class.另一种交友的办法就是去上夜校。Another method, used especially for figures, was to pour the clay into a mould.另一个方法,尤其用于铸造人像,是把黏土倒入模具中。Another strong Yorkshire country tradition is making pickles and chutneys.另一个在约克郡盛行的民间传统是做泡菜和酸辣酱。Another senior player, Brian Tobin, has also been in devastating form.另一位资格较老的选手布莱恩・托宾竞技状态也非常好。Another car shot out of a junction and smashed into the back of them.另一辆车从交叉路口飞驰而出,撞到了他们汽车的尾部。Another instance of Charles's outspokenness was his attack on his sister's choice of husband.查尔斯心直口快的另一个事例是,他抨击妹妹择错了夫婿。Another operation would mean further infliction of pain on him.再做一个手术意味着进一步给他施加痛楚。Another car had parked behind me and blocked me in.另一辆汽车停在我后面,把我的车堵在里面了。Another possibility is that we'll go to Mexico instead.另外一种可能性就是我们改去墨西哥。Another trip abroad this year is out of the question.今年再度出国是绝不可能的。Another medal was specially struck for him.专门为他铸造了另一枚奖章。Another soldier was injured when he stepped on a landmine.另一个士兵踩上地雷受伤了。Another child would put a heavy strain on their finances. 多养一个孩子会给他们带来沉重的经济负担。Another country was rearming their enemies.另一个国家正在给他们的敌人提供新装备。Another year of mounting losses proved too much for Pepperdine's basketball coach.对佩珀代因篮球队的教练来说,又一年的再度失利是怎么也说不过去了。Another bus should be along in a minute.下一辆公共汽车应该一会儿就到。Another man beat me to the parking space.另一人赶在我前头占据了那泊车位置。Another popular type of towel fabric is jacquard, which has a reversible design woven in.还有一种做浴巾很受欢迎的面料是织成正反面图案颜色相反的提花布。Another cloud of witnesses compasses me about.又一群目击者把我围了起来。Another hot potato is stem cells.另一个难题是干细胞。Another point of disagreement was over privacy issues.另一分歧点是关于隐私问题。Another group of young skaters is waiting in the wings.另一组年轻的滑冰运动员已准备就绪。Another common symptom of a hangover is lethargy and muscular weakness.宿醉的另一个常见症状是没精打采和肌肉无力。Another team of scientists has come up with conflicting evidence.另一组科学家提出了相矛盾的证据。Another few weeks and spring will be upon us.再过几个星期,春天就要来了。Another villain in the problem is the government itself.这个问题的另一原因在于政府本身。Another missile flew through the air.又有一块东西飞了过去。Another government spending crisis is looming in the United States.另一场政府开支危机在美国一触即发。




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