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词汇 freezing
例句 He lay there freezing, girding himself to take the action that might save him, but equally might kill him.他躺在那里纹丝不动,为采取殊死行动做好准备。How much longer do we have to wait out her? I'm freezing.我们还要在外面等多久?我冻死了。The temperature was below freezing for most of the day.白天大部分时间里温度都在零摄氏度以下。Temperatures will continue to hover around freezing.气温将持续在冰点上下徘徊。Temperatures can drop to freezing at night.夜间温度可能会降到零度以下。It is hard to imagine what it is like to sleep rough at any time, but doubly so in the current freezing weather.无论何时,露宿街头的滋味都是难以想象的,更何况是在现在这么冷的天气下。Make sure you wrap up warm – it's freezing.你一定要穿暖和点 — 外面冷极了。They huddled up to the pets and the warmth of the dogs' bodies stopped them freezing to death.他们紧紧地靠着宠物,这些狗的体温使他们不至于冻死。In freezing conditions, sleet can congeal on vehicles.在冰冻条件下,雨夹雪会冻结在车辆上。The temperature is expected to go down below freezing during the night.今晚,气温预计会降至零度以下。It's freezing! You'll catch your death if you go out without a coat!天太冷了!如果你出门不穿外套的话会生病的!It's swelteringly hot by day, freezing at night.白天潮湿闷热,夜晚寒冷刺骨。Your hands are freezing cold.你的手冷得像冰一样。After walking through the snow, my feet were freezing.走过雪地后,我的双脚都冻僵了。She hung on as the freezing, rushing water cascaded past her.她抓得紧紧的,任凭冰冷湍急的水流从她身上倾泻而下。The temperature was below freezing.温度在冰点以下。It was freezing outside but we were soon sitting snugly by the fire.外面冷得要命,可是我们很快就舒服地坐在炉火旁取暖了。The river is freezing cold this time of year.每年的这个时候,河水冰冷。Modern freezing techniques enable the chickens to be stored for weeks.现代冷冻技术可以使鸡肉储存数星期。He gasped as the freezing water hit his body.当冰冷刺骨的水袭向他的身体时,他倒抽了一口凉气。The temperature dropped below freezing this afternoon.今天下午温度降到了零度以下。The temperature should be around freezing tonight - it's time to get the winter clothes out.今晚的气温在零度左右—该把冬季衣服拿出来了。The freezing rain caused the roads to ice over.冻雨使路面结了冰。The freezing weather did not return until February but this time we were prepared.直到二月严寒的天气才再次袭来,不过这次我们作好了准备。A freezing fog lay over the valley.山谷上空笼罩着一片寒雾。The temperature at which the solid and liquid are in equilibrium is called the freezing point.固态和液态可以平衡共存的温度称为冰点。Let me in! It's freezing out here.让我进去!外面冷得要命。It's freezing cold out here.这儿外面冷极了。It is not always necessary to gut the fish prior to freezing.冷冻鱼之前并不总是需要先把内脏掏空。Talk about cold – I was freezing!好冷啊,我都快冻僵了。The accommodation - dirty and freezing cold - had one redeeming feature. It was cheap.住的地方又脏又冷,唯一的好处就是便宜。Temperatures were around freezing.温度在零度左右。I can't believe this weather - it was freezing just the other day!我真搞不懂这天气,前两天还冷得要命!Neither chilling nor freezing kills all bacteria.冷藏和冷冻都不能杀死所有的细菌。A freezing wind bit at her exposed legs, and she huddled closer to the fire.刺骨的寒风吹在她裸露的双腿上犹如刀割一般,她蜷缩着身子向火边靠得更近了。He covered his stubbled face with freezing hands.他用冻僵的手捧住自己那满是胡子茬儿的脸。It was a freezing cold day.那天冷极了。During this freezing weather, the food put out by householders is the only form of sustenance that the birds have.在这种严寒的天气里,住户们放在外面的食物成了鸟儿们唯一的粮食。The temperature can drop to freezing.温度会降到冰点。The winter heatwave in California is a stark contrast to the below-freezing temperatures on the East Coast.加州的冬季热浪与东海岸的零下气温形成了鲜明的对比。




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