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Only the President could authorize the use of the atomic bomb.只有总统才能授权使用原子弹。Only the well-to-do can afford these houses.只有富人能买得起这些房子。Only a cursory inspection of the building's electrical wiring was done.大楼的供电线路仅经过了一遍仓促的检查。Only by fully experiencing the depth of our pain can we be healed from it and be done with it.只有充分感受了深切的痛苦,我们才能从中走出,并将它抛诸脑后。Only one of our telephone lines is currently in operation.眼下我们的电话线只有一条能通。Only tentative conclusions can be drawn from these results.根据这些结果只能得出初步的结论。Only one Republican cast a ballot for ratification.只有一名共和党人对正式签署投了赞成票。Only take upon yourself those things that you know you can manage comfortably.只做那些自己知道能应付自如的事情。Only a light turnout is expected for the election.预计这次选举参加投票的人不多。Only by keeping down costs will America maintain its competitive advantage over other countries.只有通过控制成本,美国才能保持对其他国家的竞争优势。Only later did he realize the full seriousness of his actions.他后来才意识到自己行为的严重性。Only those around the President understood his motives.只有那些接近总统的人了解他的动机。Only when we have weighed all the factors involved can we decide when would be the best time to start.我们只有权衡了所有相关因素后,才能决定何时开始最好。Only affluent citizens can afford to live in this community.只有富裕的人可以住得起这个社区。Only one person in the party could actually read a map.这伙人当中只有一个能真正看懂地图。Only a skeleton staff remains to show anyone interested around the site.只有一小部分必需的工作人员留在那里,带有兴趣的人参观遗址。Only half of the attendees could fit into the hall at any one time.出席者太多了,大厅里无论如何都只能容下一半的人。Only two of the islands are inhabited.只有其中的两个岛有人居住。Only about a twelfth of the workers are women.大约只有十二分之一的职工是女性。Only young trendies go to that pub.只有赶时髦的年轻人才去那家酒吧。Only amateurs make this kind of mistake.只有外行才会犯这种错误。Only a few people have a natural aptitude for maths.只有少数人有数学天赋。Only occasionally did the telltale redness around his eyes betray the fatigue he was suffering.只有从他发红的眼圈上偶尔能看出他非常疲惫。Only the wing of the main office building was still standing.只有主办公大楼的侧翼还立在那儿。Only close family members are allowed to visit her.只有很亲近的家庭成员才允许探访她。Only properly accredited coaches get to work with young players.只有经过资格认定的教练方可指导年轻选手。Only distilled water should be used for cleaning contact lenses.只有蒸馏水才能用于清洗隐形眼镜。Only the medical council can apply a sanction against a doctor.只有医学委员会才能对医生实施处罚。Only a few live trees were left after the fire.火灾之后只剩下几棵树木还活着。I'd be quite happy to go. Only I don't know what my kids would say about living there.我是很乐意去的,只是不知道孩子们会不会喜欢住在那里。Only after much persuasion from Ellis had she agreed to hold a show at all.埃利斯劝了半天她才同意办一场展览。Only the government could take an Olympian vision of how people should travel to work.只有政府才能宏观地考虑人们该如何去上班这个问题。Only the main roads have been salted.仅在主要公路上撒了盐。Only a few journalists dared to cover the story.只有少数几个记者敢于报道这一事件。Only an inhuman mother would desert her child.只有铁石心肠的母亲才会遗弃自己的孩子。Only ticket holders will be allowed in.持票者才准予入场。Only time will tell whether these fine sentiments will translate into action.唯有时间才知道这番豪情能否变成行动。Only four people managed to escape before the roof collapsed.只有四人得以在屋顶坍塌之前逃了出来。!Only citizens are eligible to vote.只有公民有选举资格。Only the local train stops at my station.我那个车站只有普通列车会停。 |