例句 |
Somehow this avoids being just another silly pop song with anodyne lyrics about love and happiness.这首歌总算没有沦为又一首愚蠢无聊的什么爱啊、幸福啊之类的流行歌曲。Wolfsbane has been used traditionally in minute doses as an anodyne.微量的狼毒乌头传统上用作镇痛剂。Their quarterly meetings were anodyne affairs.他们的季度会议乏善可陈。The music was an anodyne to his grief.音乐是他排解悲伤的良药。I tried to think up some anodyne remarks to soothe her.我试图想出几句安慰的话来减轻她的痛苦。This is daytime television at its most anodyne.这就是不痛不痒到了极点的日间电视节目。 |