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词汇 开幕典礼
例句 Over 2,000 people attended the official opening ceremony of the Olympic Games.有两千多人参加了奥运会的正式开幕典礼The Queen was in full ceremonial dress for the state opening of Parliament.女王穿着整套礼服出席了国会的正式开幕典礼The Queen rode in state to the opening of Parliament.女王隆重地乘车前往出席议会开幕典礼The grand opening hit a snag when no one could find the key.盛大的开幕典礼上出了个小小的意外: 谁也找不到那把钥匙。The mood was festive at yesterday's opening ceremonies.昨天的开幕典礼气氛喜庆。A well-known television personality did the honours at the official opening of the show.一位著名的电视明星主持了该次展览的正式开幕典礼




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