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词汇 Fox
例句 For a change, the fight will be televised free to air on the Fox Network.与以往不同的是,这场拳击赛将在福克斯电视网免费播出。Fox's abilities were soon recognized.不久,福克斯的才能得到了认可。He led the way to the lift. Fox played along, following him.他朝电梯走去,福克斯只得紧随其后。Fox-hunting had always been very much the sport of the ruling class.猎狐实际上一直是统治阶级的运动。Fox stepped forward and presented him to Jack.福克斯上前一步,把他介绍给了杰克。Those wishing to find an oasis from World Cup hysteria should head to Fox's pub, which has no TV.那些想从世界杯的狂热中寻到一方宁静之地的人应该去福克斯酒吧,那儿没有电视。Fox, badger, weasel and stoat are regularly seen here.狐狸、獾、黄鼠狼和白鼬在这里很常见。Fox plays an egocentric movie star.福克斯扮演的是一位自私自利的电影明星。Mrs Fox was a very prim little lady.福克斯太太是一位十分端庄的小妇人。Fox stepped forward, welcomed him in Malay, and presented him to Jack.福克斯走向前,用马来语向他表示欢迎,并把他介绍给了杰克。Fox hunting is popular among some people in this country. It doesn't make it right though.这个国家有些人喜欢猎狐,但是这并不能使其变得名正言顺。For a change, the fight will be televised free-to-air on the Fox Network.与以往不同的是,这场拳击赛将在福克斯电视网免费播出。Several Fox stars horned in on the action.几个福克斯明星干预了这一行动。The show will be simulcast on NBC, Fox and a number of cable networks.该节目将在美国全国广播公司、福克斯电视台及多家有线电视网联播。He turned and led the way to the lift. Fox played along, following him.他转身带头朝电梯走去,福克斯只得紧随其后。Deryck Fox gave Featherstone the lead early in the first half with a penalty, but Saints were quick to reply.德里克·福克斯在上半场的罚球使费瑟斯通队领先,但是圣徒队很快进行了反击。James Fox is best known as the author of White Mischief.詹姆斯·福克斯以《欲望城》一书最为出名。Bounded on the east by Lake Winnebago, the county is traversed by the Wolf and Fox rivers.该县东临温纳贝戈湖,沃尔夫河和福克斯河穿县而过。There was an unspoken assumption among many of Fox's friends that these were special circumstances.福克斯的许多朋友心照不宣地假设,这些都是特殊情况。He dreaded the interview with Mrs. Fox.他惧怕与福克斯夫人会见。Fox was making a long parenthetical remark about his travels on the border of the country.福克斯正在插入一大段题外话,讲他在该国边境游历的故事。He was staying at the Fox Hotel under the name of Swift.他住在福克斯饭店,用斯威夫特这个名字。Fox was one of the first US scientists to call attention to the rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.福克斯是最早提醒人们注意大气中二氧化碳含量提高的美国科学家之一。Fox is not bitter about the lost opportunity to compete in the Games.福克斯并没有对错过了参赛机会感到不忿。I have to say I didn't even know Fox Lane Police Station existed till about four or five years ago.我必须承认直到四五年前我才知道有福克斯巷警察局 。




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