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词汇 fourth
例句 At the end of the fourth inning, the Red Sox led by two runs.第四局结束时,红袜队以两分领先。He is fourth in line to be admitted to the society.他将是被接纳入会的第四个。Will you make a fourth at bridge?打桥牌三缺一,你加入好吗? The hostages are now entering their fourth week in captivity.人质被囚禁时间到了第四周。The fourth night of violence in the German city of Rostock was triggered by football supporters.发生在德国城市罗斯托克的第四起夜间暴乱是由足球球迷们挑起的。The fourth grade was allowed to leave school early.四年级学生提早放学了。He was hurting Johansson with body punches in the fourth round.第四回合时,他数次挥拳打在约翰松身上。She hit a double in the fourth inning.她在第四局打出了一个二垒打。They made landfall on the fourth day of their journey.他们在航行的第四天到达了陆地。The twins will enter the fourth grade this fall.这对双胞胎今年秋季将升到四年级。When he scored his fourth goal of the afternoon, we were forced to forgive his showboating and other antics.当他在那个下午打进第四个球时,我们只好原谅他的卖弄行为及其他滑稽动作。He had to repeat the fourth grade.他读四年级时留级一年。The Olympics are held every fourth year.奥运会每四年举办一次。The third and fourth grades teamed up to decorate the gym for the party.三、四年级的学生一起合作,为联谊会布置体育馆。England will have to settle for third or fourth place.英格兰将只好接受第三或第四的排名。The country has vaulted into fourth place among oil producers.该国已跃居产油国中的第四位。They took the lift to the fourth floor.他们乘电梯到了四楼。I've been dieting ever since the birth of my fourth child.我生完第四个孩子后就一直在节食。A group of fourth-years are collecting money for food aid to Africa.一群四年级学生为了向非洲提供食物援助而在进行募捐活动。Mrs Thatcher wanted to run a fourth time.撒切尔夫人想要第四次参加竞选。She drank a fourth of the bottle.她喝了四分之一瓶。After the fourth attack on her car she was convinced that the vandalism was more than just coincidence.她的汽车第四次遭袭后,她确信这些破坏绝不是偶然。Typically, parents apply to several schools and settle, if need be, for their fourth or fifth choice…通常父母会申请几个学校,而且如果必要的话会将就接受第四或第五个选择。In his fourth year he was truanting regularly.上四年级时,他频频旷课。An unseeded player defeated the fourth-seeded player.一名非种子选手击败了四号种子选手。Pezzo tussled for fourth place with Orvosova.佩佐和奥尔沃索瓦为争夺第四名展开了激烈较量。Jones scored with only two minutes left in the fourth quarter.第四节仅剩下最后两分钟时,琼斯得分了。We spoke a whaler on the fourth day at sea.我们在海上的第四天与一艘捕鲸船联络上了。The car was in fourth gear.汽车当时挂的是四挡。The country had confounded the pundits by electing a fourth-term Tory government.该国国民连续四次选举托利党来执掌政府,这令专家们困惑不已。The boy is in the fourth form.这男孩上四年级。The girl had fallen from a fourth-floor window, but was not badly hurt.女孩从四楼窗口掉下,但未受重伤。She made/scored an eagle on the fourth hole.她在第四洞打出了老鹰球。The fourth dimension, time, is also finite in extent.第四维度,即时间,也是有限的。The London-based foursome are set to release their fourth single this month.这个来自伦敦的四人组合即将在本月推出他们的第四支单曲。He married his fourth wife, Susan, in the vain hope that she would improve his health.他娶了第四个老婆苏珊,徒然希望她能使他健康状况好转。He skipped the fourth grade because of his aptitude.他因天资聪颖从三年级跳到了五年级。The lift bell pinged at the fourth floor.电梯铃在第五层响了。He witnessed many dramatic escapes as people jumped from as high as the fourth floor.他目睹了许多人从五层高的楼上跳下来逃生的惊险场面。It's the world's fourth-largest economy.这是世界第四大经济体。




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