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The court decided to waive her fine as it was her first offence.因为是初犯,法庭判她免交罚金。The fines are large enough to be an effective deterrent against speeding.高额罚金对于超速驾驶足以起到有效的威摄作用。If convicted, the men face heavy fines.如被定罪的话,这些人将面临巨额罚金。At the very least, Higgins should have to pay a fine for what he's done.最起码希金斯应该为自己所做的事交罚金。I had to pay a penalty fee when my cheque bounced.由于支票被银行拒付,我不得不付一笔罚金。If you do not pay your fine, you can be arrested.如果不交罚金,就有可能被逮捕。If you're going into town, will you go and pay my library fines for me please?如果你进城,能否替我去交一下图书馆的罚金?The judge slapped on an additional fine.法官追加了额外罚金。They increased the penalties in an attempt to discourage lawbreakers.为阻止违法者,他们提高了罚金。I bollixed up my income tax form and had to pay a penalty.我填错了自己的所得税表格,不得不交罚金。The fine they gave her is just more or less a slap on the wrist.他们对她开出的罚金不过是一个轻微的警告而已。Punitive penalties will only exacerbate the problem.惩罚性罚金只会使问题更严重。She was given a large fine and a two-year driving ban.她被处以高额罚金和禁止驾车两年。He was given a comparatively lenient fine.他被处以相对较轻的罚金。He was fined therefor.他因之被课以罚金。He paid the fine without acknowledgment of his guilt.他付了罚金,但没有认错。The driver paid a fifty-dollar fine for speeding.司机因超速行驶付了五十元的罚金。That is the forfeit he must pay.这是他必须付的罚金。Ms. Tate freely acknowledges that she hasn't paid the fines, but argues she should not have to.泰特女士坦白承认没有交罚金,但是她争辩说不应该要她交罚金。He had to pay a hefty fine.他得交纳一大笔罚金。They were required to pay a forfeit.他们需要支付一笔罚金。He's bringing an appeal against the size of the fine.他因不满罚金的数额正在提出上诉。Some lenders charge heavy penalties for early settlement.有些贷款人对提前还清贷款收取巨额罚金。Huge fines were meted out as punishment.开出大额罚金作为惩罚。Competitors had to be of pure Greek blood and not polluted by manslaughter or non-payment of fines due.参赛者必须是纯希腊血统,且从未杀过人或者拖欠罚金不还。Drivers who are caught speeding risk a heavy fine.被抓到违章超速行驶的司机要交很多罚金。 |