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词汇 forming
例句 Everybody knows they haven't got a hope in hell of forming a government anyway.众人皆知他们根本就无力组建政府。It was going to be difficult forming a new relationship with the memory of Marian still fresh in his mind.玛丽安在他心里仍是记忆犹新,他会很难跟别人建立新的关系。He was a confirmed jingoist and would frequently speak about the dangers of Britain forming closer ties with the rest of Europe.他是个地地道道的沙文主义者,经常谈论英国与欧洲其他国家加紧联系的危险。He felt a lump in his throat, and tears forming in his eyes.他觉得喉咙哽咽,泪水涌上双眼。The wind blew across the beach, forming clouds of sand.风吹过海滩,形成一团团沙云。I can see the comic thought bubble forming over your head.我看得到你头顶冒出漫画思想泡泡。Tobacco is habit-forming.烟草容易上瘾。I know the theory and technology of metallic semisolid forming.我了解金属半固态成形的理论与技术。Cover the custard to prevent a skin forming as it cools.盖上蛋奶糕以防其冷却时表面结皮。Surfing the Internet can be habit-forming.网上冲浪很容易上瘾。An angry crowd was forming in the streets.一群愤怒的人聚集在大街上。Clouds are forming on the top of the hill.山顶上形成了云。Eating chocolate can be habit-forming.吃巧克力可能会上瘾。The Greek infantry soldiers are very adept at forming phalanx to deal with enemies when they were outnumbered.希腊的步兵们非常擅于使用方阵来对付数目强大的敌人。Ice was forming on the windscreen.挡风玻璃上结了冰。We turned our attention to the practical matters relating to forming a company.我们开始考虑有关成立公司的具体事宜。He would be given every latitude in forming a government.他将被赋予组建政府所需的一切自由。Shorting can also help stop market bubbles forming.卖空也能够帮助阻止市场泡沫的形成。The band signed their first record deal a year after forming.这个乐队成立一年后签下了第一张唱片。Cover the soup to stop a skin from forming.把汤盖起来以免表面结皮。He would be given every latitude in forming a new government.他将可以不受任何限制地组建新政府。Granulating allows the mixture to lock together forming a solid mass.颗粒化使得混合物黏着在一起形成一团固体。Heroin is a habit-forming drug.海洛因是一种使人上瘾的毒品。A spirit of discontent was rapidly forming among the people.在人们中间很快出现了不满情绪。By midnight ice was already forming on the roads.到了午夜,路上已开始结冰。As the lava flowed down the volcano it solidified, forming strange shapes.岩浆从火山上流下时,凝固成各种各样的奇形怪状。Her early experiences played an important role in forming her personality.她早年的经历对她个性的形成有重要作用。The plows came and cleared the streets, forming a hill of snow on the street corner.扫雪机过来清理街道,在街角堆起一个小雪堆。They started forming death squads.他们开始组建暗杀小队。He has called a meeting of all parties tomorrow, with a view to forming a national reconciliation government.为了组建一个协调各方利益的全国性联合政府,他已召集所有党派参加明天的会议。A plan was gradually forming itself in my mind.一个计划逐渐在我的头脑中形成。A thunderhead was forming to the west.西边出现了雷雨云砧。The farmers are forming a combination to market their goods at fair prices.农场主结成联盟,以便用合理的价格销售货物。A plan was gradually forming in my mind.一个计划逐渐在我的头脑中形成。Local residents are forming their own vigilante groups.当地居民正在组成自己的治安队。What is the rule for forming plurals?构成复数的规则是什么?The children linked arms forming a daisy chain.孩子们互相挽着胳膊连成一个圈。He is wary of forming another close relationship.他唯恐又陷入恋情。The stakes are pushed or hammered into the ground and can be used for supporting a plant or forming part of a fence.将木桩插入地下,可以用来支撑植物或构成围栏。The drug can help prevent blood clots from forming.这种药对防止血栓形成很有帮助。




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